Sat 10 Sep, 2005 08:48 am
I shopped with this company prior to checking into them and I got BURNED!
Purchaced a cheap dfi board... No beepy, no lighty, no posty, no nutthin.
Tried several psu, 2 processors, 2 different types of ram.. Only the fan on the cpu had any life. Tried several cmos batteries as well.. I didn't painstakingly trace every circuit with a meter... I don't know the exact cause of the malfunction.. Tiger direct said they would rma the board and re-imburse me the shipping cost. I just got an email from them and it says they will refund my account the price of the board. I'm out about 20 bux so far, ( shipping both ways ) and maybe more if they neglect to credit my bank account at all.. Meanwhile, I ordered, received, installed, and am using an Asrock board that I got from mwave. Computers are my hobby, and I want to take a stab at building and selling pre-installed linux systems. Probably not much market for it, but it keeps me out of trouble. BeWare of Tiger Direct