you know what ... i asked this question.. and i dont know what to answer!!!!

if ask for hot babes...well they will get old and ugly in a few years i pass
if i ask for a cool car...where would i go ...i have no work anymore cuz i am rich..and i dont need to go anywhere cuz i can have it at i pass
if i ask for a nice big will be quick for all my relatives to wanna come live with me and start fighting over who is going to keep it when i i pass
a big ass tv......well there is nothing good on tv!!! i pass
eat at fancy places......i dont like food at fancy places...i love big macs and 99 cents fish tacos i pass
dress up in expensive clothing........i love sitting here in my confy sweats , no shirt no i pass
pay up all my bills......... if i pay all my bills i will have nothing to worry about and i will start beign a pain to my wife and i pass
give it to my kids future.....if i do that they will grow spoiled and probably end up all messed up and i pass
give it to my just buy another tousand bottles for the i pass
give it to my relatives.....that would only mean they would be home more time since they dont need to work and i will have to see their faces every i pass
come to think of it i dont really wanna win the lottery..
just want my wife,kids and the chief upstairs :wink: