Okay, first off, please don't take Wattpad books as a manual for living. Ever.
Second, talk to your folks about not being allowed to talk to the opposite sex. That rule is ridiculous. How are you going to develop healthy relationships (and this includes friendships, yes, you can be friends with guys) without being able to talk to guys? Find out what they really mean by this rule, and why they're imposing it. Is a similar rule being imposed on your brother? Or are you the lucky one just because you're female?
And, spoiler alert for them: this kind of antiquated rule doesn't necessarily prevent a daughter from losing her virginity, becoming pregnant, etc. It just creates a whole raft of poor coping skills.
Third, crushes are 10000% normal and they can even be kind of fun. Even older folks can get them (as in, people your parents' age and older. No lie!). So, it may feel awkward and weird but it is also common and normal and I promise you are not alone.
And finally, maybe have a family movie night and put on the movie