While relationships between Jews and non-Jews are frowned on by religious authorities, and a Jew cannot marry a non-Jew inside Israel, there are numerous biblical examples of the exceptions."
Is this really true?
In the book, Grish describes Jewish men as wanting to make a woman laugh, energetic in bed and keen to analyse the relationship. Because Judaism has a strong matriarchal culture, she says, they are trained from an early age to please women.
Oy veh!!!! There are not enough Jewish men in Adelaide! I shall have to go to Melbourne! This I cannot miss! It would be kinda nice to be "forbidden fruit". I am kinda pearish and un-forbidden generally.
I see no indications of Nazism.
I do not know if there is anything rationally to be disturbed by in the book, though. This is just a wee article.
If sillier Jewish folk will label as Nazi any comment on them, the word will be as debased in value by them as it is by the loonier portions of the left.
I guess, to be fair, I have no time for religious forbiddings of intermarriage, so I cannot empathasise with those who find it distressing.
I am aware that black women in the US are said to get peed off by black guys going out with white women - I guess there is a sort of inbuilt hostility to people who are gonna be competing with you for available mates - look at the hysteris there used to be about black men/white women - while it was generally acceptable for white men to have sex with black women (if not marry). I know there are further undertones to that one - but still, we do get antsy about folk making off with our mates - ever heard of the Battle of Brisbane during WW II?