Mon 31 Mar, 2003 11:54 pm
Just a little bit of history:
"April Fools' Day,
also called All Fools' Dayfirst day of April, named from the custom of playing practical jokes or sending friends on fools' errands on that date. Although it has been observed for centuries in several countries, the origin of the custom is unknown. It resembles other festivals, such as the Hilaria of ancient Rome (March 25) and the HolY festival of India (ending March 31). Its timing seems related to the vernal equinox (March 21), when nature"fools" mankind with sudden changes in the weather.
On April Fools' Day all people are given an excuse to play the fool. In France the fooled person is called poisson d'avril ("April fish"), but the origin of the name is unknown. In Aprilthe cuckoo, emblem of simpletons, comes, so in Scotland the victim is called gowk (cuckoo). The custom of playing April Fools' jokes was taken to America by the British. It has continued to be observed by children and adults and sometimes involves rather elaborate hoaxes as well as merely simple jokes." (source:
Here, in Germany, (especially local) newspaper, radio staions and tv shows present a lot of "April news".
Some really sound/look true - while others are obviously true nonsense. Most are, IMHO, just childish.
Have you ever "been sent in the April" as we call it in German?
What has been the best 'April news', you've been taken in?
Walter, Not much to be happy about these days. The market stinks, and wars killed almost 2,000 people, people are losing their jobs, and the world economy seems to sink lower every day. I guess in a general way, we've all been fooled. c.i.
Walter, so glad you brought it up!!!! It is huge in SLovakia, of course, and schools especially are just mad happening places on April 1st. I would not even realize. Do you have any good suggestions for mischief?
Try it. He he, I finally am brave enough to pull the prank on deb that I told her I would.
This is a kind of black humour on it (but that's I mostly like these days
Here's a list of
Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time
(Our local paper today published the more or less usual stuff: sewage plant is bought by US-firm and will be converted to a pool etc)
in high school my class (in slovakia you take all courses with the same people, all 4 grades the same 36 people at all times) exchanged the place with a class from a different high school, it was great. connected by walkie-talkies we were getting all reactions first hand.
LOL! Thanks for reminding me. Every April fools I tell my mother and son that I hit the lottery and they fall for it every time, hahaha!
Love the cartoon, LOL!
Yo, Walter!
And April Foolers.
I've got nothing intelligent nor funny to write at the moment (so I'll just write George Bush)
but I just thought I would say HELLO!
My April Fools jokes fell flat. I purported to be an Islamic fundamentalist on this website and as a result have been banished.
an April Fool? craven de kere!
satt_f, Very funny! I hope he's playing a Beatle's song. LOL c.i.
Apparently at March 20, 6h 48m 21s (GMT, or 1h 48m 21s EST), the Sun passes through the point of Vernal Equinox along the ecliptic.
Happy spring!
I had a mean time in Greenwich, the observatory, sunny views from the park, the indoor market, the Cutty Sark, the boat trips to London...
Enguland swings like a pendoolum do...