Got it.
I definitely don't think it's okay that there's all this plastic in the oceans. One thing you may want to talk to your teacher about is the tone of your question. When you use loaded words like
tortured, it pushes the listener to really only respond in one way.
I think most of us don't want our world destroyed and we don't want to see animals suffer. Yet companies still dump toxins into water, and not always by accident. Why is this so? I would present to you that it's likely a money issue, that it's cheaper to just pretend a problem will go away on its own (like next week's math test) versus facing it head on.
PS Lawyers use loaded questions all the time in cross-examination. Hell, we're taught to do so in law school. The idea is to get a witness to answer the way we want them to. But judges will rein in lawyers if they go so far that it looks and feels like coercion.