I'm definitely more tactful/patient online, since I can sit and compose my thoughts. Something I would normally blurt out in person is carefully constructed online. I think about what I'm writing and usually even read it aloud once if it's long, so that it sounds coherent.
In real life, too, if I talked as long as I do in posts, I'd be interrupted (and often am), so I'd lose my train of thought and then we'd all hop on board the tangent train.
i'm actually 15 yrs old and only here to scope out the older chicks (the ones over 18)
I'm nearly identical I think - ask those who know me IRL. The main difference is that if I were talking with you in peron there'd be a lot more "What?"s.
I am pretty much the same - I am stroppier and funnier in real life.
You know? I would LIKE to have a different persona, for the fun of it. I never have, even on Abuzz when I could have.
Bet I would slip up in the first five minutes, though.
WYSIWYG. But I often think if i knew at 30 what I know now, well phewwwwwww
oak, What I know now compared to what I thought I knew at 30 still leaves me cold. But, hey, I'm a happy ignoramous at 67!

CI ---- perhaps we should count the memories and not the days and years
I'm the same stumbling old fart in person.
I'm pretty much the same person. I'm clueless and I flirt (and I'm clueless about
that online and IRL

That's better than "Beth, Beth, Beth" as intoned by a mutual friend. I always know I'm about to get busted when I hear/see that.
hmm...Check out Cinderwolf's posts. Any thoughts?
what are you saying?....................
Actually, reviewing some of these posts.... I'll add to my above posts that I am more open here than I am in real life. Much more expressive. My comments above are quite real. I have terrible hearing. So much so that I was told by the N,E and T Dr to get a hearing aid. I think that because I miss much of conversations in social settings, I tend to not contribute much. Having done that most of my life, I never really learned how to express my self very well. The internet has really helped me in that respect.
Cinder, I was referring to your new posting entitled "Iam New" and contrasting that with the poems you wrote a day or so ago. -rjb-
rjb - please make your point.
Cinderwolf- what's with the silencer rifles on the web page you listed (on another thread)?

still dont catch you........ are you making fun of my poems.
i do know that for some things it has been way easier for me to explain in writing/type than in a conversation, usually because i rewrite it until it make sence.