Am I a lesbian for this?

Reply Tue 23 May, 2023 06:43 pm
I have all respect for LGBTQ communities and see nothing wrong with same sex intimacy as long as it is not pursued in an unhealthy or abusive way. But lately I have been confused about an experience I've had that makes me worry I might be lesbian or bisexual.

Maybe it is important to mention that when I was 8 and younger I went through a phase of having crushes on Disney princesses and the like and that despite that my first grade teacher was something of a bitch I couldn't help finding her gorgeous and was fascinated with her physical beauty.

When I was 9 is when I started noticing boys and men were cute and ever since then I never looked back...or so I thought until most recently.

The situation is a long and complicated one. I was dating a married man for a time but then left because it didn't look like he and his wife would ever divorce. Apparently they are swingers and possibly both bi as well.

For a long time the wife has hated me and was jealous of me. She evidently never cared whenever her husband had liaisons with other women - especially if she got to participate in some of the action - but for whatever reason when I came into the picture it suddenly became a problem. I gather the reason for that is because I am the only one her husband developed an emotional connection with. I don't know why but I am the only one he fell in love with and the wife didn't want him contacting me because I was the threat.

I think their marriage is based more on money than love which might be the only reason the wife wanted me gone, as she depends on her husband financially and they have kids as well. Both have obsessively stalked me which is why I decided to walk away from all the toxicity and drama. But I had no idea that part of the wife's obsession and hate was because she was in love with me too. She made numerous passes at me and begged me to have a threesome with her and her husband. I said, "No, I don't get down like that, I'm not gay, but sorry for any pain I caused and wish you two the best in life" etc. but she persisted over and over, pleading with me to let her lick me down there at least.

Suffice it to say that her persistence finally paid off. It happened more than once and although she is always rough and forceful about it I have felt intense physical pleasure in a way that has me hooked and she is only even more obsessed with me than ever. She wants to do it to me all the time now. But she has left me with some genital trauma that both hurt and scared me but also turned me on in a strange way. It's like she is taking her resentment of me out on me in this weird way.

So I am confused about what just happened and why because I never look at other women and desire them in that way, nor was I ever expecting to be supine on a bed willingly spreading my legs for another woman constantly so why now after all these years? Of course I am not stupid and I have eyes, I know when other women are attractive but I am never attracted to them. So I am floored that I would suddenly involve myself in anything so wildly out of character for me.

She only contacts me when she wants to perform oral sex on me and I never resist because she is really good but I feel really disgusted with myself and incredibly guilty now. This feels like an endless struggle between my most debased temptations and my better judgment. I don't know if this woman somehow reawakened whatever could have been deeply dormant in me since childhood. Does this make me bisexual?

I especially welcome thoughts from those who feel they are straight but have had similar confusing, Jerry Springer-type experiences.
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