Where Will It End?

Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2023 09:58 am
The conflict in Ukraine, where will it end? If the United States did blow up the Nordstream gas pipeline to Germany, what does this mean for US relations with both Germany and Russia? Do you believe the US instigated this horrible war or did the Russians seize on an opportunity? Will we be engulfed in a worldwide conflict?
Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2023 10:13 am
The Russians blew it up.

Anything else is Kremlin propaganda.

The Russians started this war, it had nothing to do with America.
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Reply Sat 4 Mar, 2023 05:13 am
During WW2, prior to Pearl Harbor ,American Nazis like Lindburgh and Ford were openly supportive of Hitler.

Today American Nazis support Putin.
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Reply Sat 4 Mar, 2023 05:50 am
America Is In Over Its Head

Thomas Meaney wrote:
The greatest blunder President Vladimir Putin may have made so far in Ukraine is giving the West the impression that Russia could lose the war. The early Russian strike on Kyiv stumbled and failed. The Russian behemoth seemed not nearly as formidable as it had been made out to be. The war suddenly appeared as a face-off between a mass of disenchanted Russian incompetents and supercharged, savvy Ukrainian patriots.

Such expectations naturally ratcheted up Ukrainian war aims. President Volodymyr Zelensky was once a member of the peace-deal camp in Ukraine. “Security guarantees and neutrality, non-nuclear status of our state. We are ready to go for it,” he declared one month into the conflict. Now he calls for complete victory: the reconquering of every inch of Russian-occupied territory, including Crimea. Polls indicate that Ukrainians will settle for nothing less. As battles rage across Donetsk and Luhansk, Ukraine’s leaders and some of their Western backers are already dreaming of Nuremberg-style trials of Mr. Putin and his inner circle in Moscow.

The trouble is that Ukraine has only one surefire way of accomplishing this feat in the near term: direct NATO involvement in the war. Only the full, Desert Storm style of deployment of NATO and U.S. troops and weaponry could bring about a comprehensive Ukrainian victory in a short period of time. (Never mind that such a deployment would most likely shorten the odds of one of the grimmer prospects of the war: The more Russia loses, the more it is likely to resort to nuclear weapons.)

Absent NATO involvement, the Ukrainian Army can hold the line and regain ground, as it has done in Kharkiv and Kherson, but complete victory is very nearly impossible. If Russia can hardly advance a few hundred yards a day in Bakhmut at a cost of 50 to 70 men, since the Ukrainians are so well entrenched, would Ukrainians be able to advance any better against equally well-entrenched Russians in the whole area between Russia and the eastern side of the Dnipro delta, including the Azov Sea coastline and the isthmus leading to Crimea? What has been a meat grinder in one direction is likely to be a meat grinder in the other.

Moreover, Russia has nearly switched its state onto a war economy setting, while the United States has yet to meet the war production needs of its foreign partners. The war has already used up 13 years’ worth of Stinger antiaircraft missile production and five years’ worth of Javelin missiles, while the United States has a $19 billion backlog of arms delivery to Taiwan. Western news reports have focused on the Russian men avoiding Mr. Putin’s draft orders, but the Kremlin still has plenty of troops to draw on, even after its call-up of 300,000 soldiers last September.

The debate about sending heavy war materials to Ukraine — which has consumed the German press in particular — is in this sense beside the point. It is not clear when all of the Leopard 1 and 2 and M1 Abrams tanks promised by NATO will be operational. Ukraine has requested 300 to 500 tanks, and NATO has promised only about 200.

That Mr. Zelensky has staked so much of his diplomacy on these armament shipments makes sense: He needs to communicate to the Kremlin that Ukraine is prepared for a long, slogging conflict. But in terms of battle-ready material for the next six months, very little of the promised bounty will be deployable. If Mr. Zelensky wants to complete his self-image as Winston Churchill sooner rather than later, he will want to hasten the day when he can toast NATO’s — which is to say, America’s — entry into the conflict.

The problem for Kyiv is that — public assurances aside — Washington has no interest in directly entering the war. Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has already voiced his view that total victory for either Russia or Ukraine is unachievable in the near term. President Biden and his national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, have been adamant about keeping the United States from directly entering the conflict. The American public has shown no appetite for direct involvement, either. The United States may even have an interest in keeping the fighting going as the war reduces Russia’s ability to operate elsewhere in the world, increases the value of American energy exports and serves as a convenient dress rehearsal for the rallying of allies and coordination of economic warfare against Beijing.

Less noticed is that the Kremlin’s war aims may have — out of necessity — been scaled back. Apparently reconciled to its inability to effect regime change in Kyiv and capture much more of Ukraine’s territory, Moscow now seems mostly focused on maintaining its positions in Luhansk and Donetsk and securing a land bridge to Crimea. These are territories that even in the best of circumstances would be difficult for Ukraine to reincorporate.

As it stands today, Ukraine’s economic future appears viable even without the territories currently occupied by Russia. Ukraine has not been turned into a landlocked country and it remains in control of seven of the eight oblasts with the highest G.D.P. per capita. Ukraine would risk jeopardizing this position in a counteroffensive. Paradoxically, continued fighting also serves some Russian interests: It allows Moscow more chances to pummel Ukraine into being a de facto buffer state, making it an ever less attractive candidate for NATO and European Union membership.

The historian Stephen Kotkin recently argued that Ukrainians may be better off defining victory as accession to the European Union rather than a complete recapture of all Ukrainian territory. And yet, except for countries that were neutral during the Cold War, each historical case of E.U. accession has been preceded by membership in NATO, which since the 1990s has acted as a ratings agency in Europe, guaranteeing countries as safe for investment. This fact is hardly lost on the Ukrainian population: Polls (which have mostly excluded Luhansk and Donetsk since 2014) show that interest in the country’s joining NATO appears to have jumped since the start of the conflict.

Only Washington ultimately has the power to decide how much of Ukraine it wants to bring under its umbrella. The actual official reluctance to include Ukraine in NATO has rarely been clearer, while the public embrace of Kyiv has never been more florid. In the meantime, European leaders may soon find themselves in the unenviable position of convincing Ukrainians that access to the common market and a European Marshall Fund is a reasonable exchange for “complete victory.”

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 4 Mar, 2023 07:18 am
Lash wrote:
Putin is fighting Nazis in Ukraine.
The Nazis left Ukraine after the Second Battle of Kiev in December 1943.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 4 Mar, 2023 11:47 am
Lash wrote:
We call them Nazis.
Yes, those, who don't know what "Nazi" means.
Nazi is a short word for a supporter or member of the NSDAP. (Members of the SPD [Social Democratic Party] were called "Sozi".)

In American usage, the abbreviation Nazi is found much more often than in the country of origin and is also used to describe the politics, ideology and warfare of the time.
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Reply Sat 4 Mar, 2023 12:12 pm
A lot of people in Ukraine still love to throw out that Nazi salute and wear jewelry and tattoos with swastikas.

So do a lot of people in the USA. Would that justify an invasion by another country if killing Nazis were its stated intention? Zelensky's a Jew and he was elected in a landslide with nearly 75% of the vote.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 4 Mar, 2023 01:29 pm
Of course, OP could also be asked what she thinks of the million-dollar loan from Russia for France's Front National (which changed its name to Rassemblement National in 2018) - which only came about after party leader Marie Le Pen met with Putin.
Or ask her opinion about that high-ranking FPÖ politicians flew to Moscow in 2016 to sign a friendship treaty with Putin's party.

So, on the one hand, the Russian leadership supports right-wing extremists and, on the other hand, tries to justify the invasion of a neighbouring state with the need for "denazification" and ending an alleged genocide of the Russian-speaking population.

By claiming that there is a "gang of drug addicts and neo-Nazis" in the government in Ukraine, Russian President Putin served the images that have also been painted by Russian media with a wide reach in recent years. This is intended to evoke memories of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union and to unsettle Western governments, especially the German government.

The political parties in Ukraine that can be classified as extreme right-wing - "Freedom" (Svoboda), "Right Sector" (Pravyj Sektor) and "National Corps" - have no relevance. In the last election, they together got only 2.15 per cent of the vote.

Well, Russian media are among the important cues for the far-right scene in Austria and Germany. And therefore OP's reactions are actually already known to me.
However, experts' opinions differ as to whether the members of the Azov Regiment are neo-Nazis or nationalists.

However, experts' opinions differ as to whether the members of the Azov Regiment are neo-Nazis or nationalists.

I think that the fact that relatively many members of Azov obviously (literally) have a right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi background is no reason to want to destroy an entire nation.

Reply Sat 4 Mar, 2023 08:38 pm
The US installed Zelensky and pay him handsomely to assume his role in our proxy war. I prefer we’d have saved a little money and had merely a 60% ‘victory.’
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Reply Sat 4 Mar, 2023 08:39 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
The OP is Phil Butler.
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2023 01:32 pm
The Crimean peninsula will be liberated by the Ukrainians because it's easy to cut off supplies and difficult for the Russians to defend. That's not the case with Eastern Ukraine, which borders on Russia. I suspect that area will be subject to intense fighting for a long time, which will devastate the area. Any negotiations to peace will probably involve the Eastern part of Ukraine. I suspect the Russian people will become tired of the war as it grinds down their economy and soldiers, and the people will grow tired of the war as the Americans grew tired of the Vietnam war.
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2023 02:26 pm
You want to end this "war". All the military commanders just have to agree
that Russia does not surrender and they just want to kick the people in the Kremlin / KGB out of the nation and have them stand trail and imprisoned.
Russia just have to start a civil-war and march on the captial ( whatever ) and arrest all those "Wig-wearing pouncy idiots".

It is dumb. Since 2001-202X now, USSR popularity has been at a high. I went to college with those people. I love those people. I would marry and be happy to look like those people. This war is backwards, and is a complete joke.

A bomb/missile went off and accidentally killed somebody in Poland. Military killing elderly people, Prisoners being released. I mean seriously this is even more worst then the US building a wall, or separating parents from children.


ROLTF Germany is a joke and being exploited by Zionist-parasites. Germany lost it's High-school requirement for students to gain skills via working and paying vendors to hire students. Now it is optional.

Russia reality is that they are just setting it up to put Russia back into the proverty stricken state it was after the fall of the wall.

Russia ( All Eastern European peoples ) problems is admitting Bolsheviks was wrong, killing the royal family was wrong, and the brutal murder of the prophet and savior of the crown Rasputin was wrong.

Rasputin was a hero, and has been depicted as a sorcerer in "Anastasia" the movie and sadly "Kingsman III" which was terrible and just pathetic. He literally was no different then any other prophet mentioned in religion. He was the savior of the crown.


These E$#$E##$E screwed up and United States burnt money on this just like Afganistan/Iraq, Korean/Vietnam, and so many other bs.
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Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2023 07:58 am
Edit [Moderator]: Link removed

Tyre Maker Michelin To Shut Factories In Germany
By AFP - Agence France Presse
November 28, 2023

French tyre manufacturer Michelin said Tuesday it will close two factories and cut more than 1,500 jobs in Germany due to rising costs and competition from cheaper imports.

The vast industrial sector in Europe's top economy has been battling high energy prices, surging inflation and fast-rising eurozone interest rates for more than a year.

Michelin said in a statement it would end production at its sites in Karlsruhe and Trier by 2025, while the production of some products would cease at a site in Homburg.

A customer service centre in Karlsruhe that serves Germany, Austria and Switzerland will also be closed, with its operations to be transferred to Poland.

A total of 1,532 workers will be affected, the company said.

Michelin attributed the decision to "budget truck tyres from low-wage countries and rising production costs in Germany".

It also said "recent health and geopolitical crises" had pushed up operating costs, putting "additional strain on Germany's competitiveness as an industrial location".

The outbreak of the Ukraine war, and Moscow's subsequent move to slash gas exports, had a particularly negative impact on German manufacturers, which had come to rely on Russian energy.

But the IGBCE union criticised the job cuts as "wrong", adding: "Michelin only wants to maximise profit and is abandoning highly committed and highly qualified employees to do so".

Balance of the article at the link.

Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2023 12:45 pm
Thanks for caring, Lash.

Indeed, the tire industry in Germany is threatened with a clear cut.
There are still twelve tire factories in the country, four of which are to be closed in the coming years.

After the US company Goodyear, which plans to end its production in Fulda and Fürstenwalde, its competitor Michelin is now also announcing massive cutbacks: the French group will gradually close its factories in Karlsruhe and Trier by 2025.
And that means: no more Michelin truck tires from Germany.

I do doubt, however, that all this is connected to "Proxy War, War, Ukraine, Russia, Putin".
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2023 01:15 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Gee, it's almost as if the Homo sapiens species (AKA the "Lords of Creation") has some sort of collective death wish:

Car tyres produce vastly more particle pollution than exhausts, tests show

Toxic particles from tyre wear almost 2,000 times worse than from exhausts as weight of cars increases

Almost 2,000 times more particle pollution is produced by tyre wear than is pumped out of the exhausts of modern cars, tests have shown.

The tyre particles pollute air, water and soil and contain a wide range of toxic organic compounds, including known carcinogens, the analysts say, suggesting tyre pollution could rapidly become a major issue for regulators.

Air pollution causes millions of early deaths a year globally. The requirement for better filters has meant particle emissions from tailpipes in developed countries are now much lower in new cars, with those in Europe far below the legal limit. However, the increasing weight of cars means more particles are being thrown off by tyres as they wear on the road.

The tests also revealed that tyres produce more than 1tn ultrafine particles for each kilometre driven, meaning particles smaller than 23 nanometres. These are also emitted from exhausts and are of special concern to health, as their size means they can enter organs via the bloodstream. Particles below 23nm are hard to measure and are not currently regulated in either the EU or US.

“Tyres are rapidly eclipsing the tailpipe as a major source of emissions from vehicles,” said Nick Molden, at Emissions Analytics, the leading independent emissions testing company that did the research. “Tailpipes are now so clean for pollutants that, if you were starting out afresh, you wouldn’t even bother regulating them.”

Molden said an initial estimate of tyre particle emissions prompted the new work. “We came to a bewildering amount of material being released into the environment – 300,000 tonnes of tyre rubber in the UK and US, just from cars and vans every year.”

There are currently no regulations on the wear rate of tyres and little regulation on the chemicals they contain. Emissions Analytics has now determined the chemicals present in 250 different types of tyres, which are usually made from synthetic rubber, derived from crude oil. “There are hundreds and hundreds of chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic,” Molden said. “When you multiply it by the total wear rates, you get to some very staggering figures as to what’s being released.”

The wear rate of different tyre brands varied substantially and the toxic chemical content varied even more, he said, showing low-cost changes were feasible to cut their environmental impact.

“You could do a lot by eliminating the most toxic tyres,” he said. “It’s not about stopping people driving, or having to invent completely different new tyres. If you could eliminate the worst half, and maybe bring them in line with the best in class, you can make a massive difference. But at the moment, there’s no regulatory tool, there’s no surveillance.”

The tests of tyre wear were done on 14 different brands using a Mercedes C-Class driven normally on the road, with some tested over their full lifetime. High-precision scales measured the weight lost by the tyres and a sampling system that collects particles behind the tyres while driving assessed the mass, number and size of particles, down to 6nm. The real-world exhaust emissions were measured across four petrol SUVs, the most popular new cars today, using models from 2019 and 2020.

Used tyres produced 36 milligrams of particles each kilometre, 1,850 times higher than the 0.02 mg/km average from the exhausts. A very aggressive – though legal – driving style sent particle emissions soaring, to 5,760 mg/km.

Far more small particles are produced by the tyres than large ones. This means that while the vast majority of the particles by number are small enough to become airborne and contribute to air pollution, these represent only 11% of the particles by weight. Nonetheless, tyres still produce hundreds of times more airborne particles by weight than the exhausts.

The average weight of all cars has been increasing. But there has been particular debate over whether battery electric vehicles (BEVs), which are heavier than conventional cars and can have greater wheel torque, may lead to more tyre particles being produced. Molden said it would depend on driving style, with gentle EV drivers producing fewer particles than fossil-fuelled cars driven badly, though on average he expected slightly higher tyre particles from BEVs.

Dr James Tate, at the University of Leeds’ Institute for Transport Studies in the UK, said the tyre test results were credible. “But it is very important to note that BEVs are becoming lighter very fast,” he said. “By 2024-25 we expect BEVs and [fossil-fuelled] city cars will have comparable weights. Only high-end, large BEVs with high capacity batteries will weigh more.”

Other recent research has suggested tyre particles are a major source of the microplastics polluting the oceans. A specific chemical used in tyres has been linked to salmon deaths in the US and California proposed a ban this month.

“The US is more advanced in their thinking about [the impacts of tyre particles],” said Molden. “The European Union is behind the curve. Overall, it’s early days, but this could be a big issue.”


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