Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2022 08:02 pm
This body that you see It isn’t really me
It’s but the womb in which I’m being formed
For I am spirit, I am mind
And it’s the only place you’ll find
‘Who I Am’ until the day I’m finally born
For I will not be free, until this body that you see
Has returned to the dust from whence it came
It’s then that I’ll be born from this womb in which I’m formed
To carry on in life’s eternal game. …. The Anointed.
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Type: Question • Score: 2 • Views: 1,037 • Replies: 34

The Anointed
Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2022 09:06 pm
@The Anointed,
I longed to hear someone express the words I couldn’t speak
Reveal to me the mysteries of life, which all men seek
So, I sought the men of science who claim Gods body has no mind
They say the universe is growing but will die one day in time
And then the men of piousness with them I sat me down
But they say God has no body those men in flowing gowns
Then finally in silent dream just me and WHO I AM
We floated on life’s living stream with a pen held in my hand
T'was then the veil began to tear in this Temple that is me
And here within this sanctuary we saw the one that we will be……The Anointed
The Anointed
Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2022 09:13 pm
@The Anointed,
Now close your eyes slightly and hold your pen tightly
Then call for the spirit within to awake
For it’s He who I walk with, who, in you I would talk with
And here’s the request that to him I would make.
Arise! Let your light shine for now is the right time
To scatter the darkness and shine forth you’re Light
Release all your children held fast in the prison
Of those teachers of darkness, those sons of the night. The Anointed.
The Anointed
Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2022 09:19 pm
@The Anointed,
If you believe that a universe of mindless matter has produced beings with intrinsic ends, [in Kantian terminology, an end-in-itself] --------- self- replication capabilities, and “coded chemistry”? Then you must accept that it is the eternal energy, which has neither beginning or end, that has become this material universe and has developed a mind that is the compilation of all the information gathered by all the diverse life-forms that ‘IT’ [The Eternal Energy] has become, the collective consciousness of all that it is.

Every living thing within this apparent boundless cosmos, are merely information gatherers for the eternal energy which manifests itself as this living universe and is all that exists and is, ’THE GREAT THOUGHT’ the collective consciousness of all that exists. At any given point in time, you are no more than inches away from a spider, fly, ant, or any other of the many information gatherers of the eternal, who is all that exists.

Jeremiah 23: 23-24; “I am a God who is everywhere and not in one place only. No one can hide where I cannot see him. Do you not know that I am everywhere in heaven and on earth?

This nano technology, it really frightens me
They can make a flying camera that looks just like a bee
Can spiders, ants, and house flies transmit the things I say
Can our words and all our actions be recorded every day?

I remember back when I was young, I’s no more’n a lad
Sometimes I’d be at home alone and doin something bad
And I’d turn mums crucifix around so He couldn’t see me do it
But now I think of all this nano stuff and I think I might have blew it

Once you understand that God is all, you’d have to be half blind
Not to realise that everything feeds into that great mind
All them spiders in the corners, ants in every crack and nook,
Were filming everything I did, now it’s recorded in Gods book.

But that don’t really bother me, cos I know it’s tightly sealed
And only one’s allowed to open it---and you know? Somehow I feel
He’s not the sort what runs around accusing everyone
And though He lives in me, one day I’ll be, in Him, God’s only Son. . . . . The Anointed.
The Anointed
Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2022 09:23 pm
@The Anointed,
And now my friends, come soar with me to the outer limits of reality
This universe though wide it seems, is but the shadow of our dreams
We are naught but knowledge in these tents, refined through pain and punishment
We’re the hive of man and ‘neath his rod, we are one, we’re the ‘Son of God.’

The past, the present, the future is He, He was, He is, and He will be
And heaven is but a point in time to where the spirit in man must climb
Eventually, when he’s there at last and stands and gazes on his past
And takes his throne prepared in heaven, then all His past will be forgiven

I am ‘who I am,’ the die is cast, for I was created by my past
And we who we are this very day determines his future in everyway
If my past were changed then who would I be?
One thing is certain, I wouldn’t be Me……… The Anointed.
The Anointed
Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2022 09:32 pm
@The Anointed,
Come travel with me on a journey through time
Not in some capsule but in our minds
To the innermost sanctuary will we descend
To that single cell from which your body began
In the Holy of Holies where all is one
Where all of space and time is joined
We’ll mingle there with other minds
From other lands in other times
Minds of the past, which seem dead and gone
And minds of the future which are yet unborn
For they in their time whether here on this world
Or some distant planet to which they’ve been lured
Will enter their innermost sanctuary too
And there perhaps they’ll merge with you
Ah, to travel through space in the wink of an eye
One with your off-spring on some world way up high
And if this is but madness then madness it be
But come my mad brothers, COME! Follow me ......The Anointed.
The Anointed
Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2022 09:39 pm
@The Anointed,
Drinking from God's pool of wisdom
That vast and endless sea
I felt a strange sensation
As someone else there drank of me ...... The Anointed.
The Anointed
Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2022 11:10 pm
@The Anointed,
I’ve walked with and I’ve talked with an angel
He picks me up each time that I fall down
He’s one who knows and understands my heartaches
For just like me, he himself had fallen down
But like the serpent Moses lifted in the desert
He himself was lifted up upon a tree
Now he sit beside his Father in God’s kingdom
Where he intercedes with God for fools like me ….. The Anointed.

Jesus said to Nicodemus; "As Moses lifted up the bronze "IMAGE" of the serpent on a pole in the desert, in order that all those who were dying from the bite of the serpent, only had to turn their eyes to the "IMAGE" of the serpent to survive, in the same Manner the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who is dying because of the venom of the old serpent, which is coursing through their veins, only have to turn to the earthly "IMAGE" that was lifted up upon a pole in order to have eternal life."
The Anointed
Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2022 12:28 am
@The Anointed,
The Word of God can be likened
To a star that’s being ever brightened
By the mind of man reaching ever higher
But those who deviate, they’re liars

In God’s Word man’s mind can grow
But those outside, they’re like the snow
That settles on the desert sand
And they’ll melt away before "I AM"......The Anointed.
Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2022 01:08 am
All the poems I've written -- to me they all make sense.
But alas! cried the poet, I'm my own best audience.
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The Anointed
Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2022 02:21 am
@The Anointed,
Myself, when young, before being introduced to the words=spirit of Robert Service, experienced the most exhilarating sensation on first reading the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. It was as though there was an awakening within me, a whirling Dervish dancing within, as I read.

Ah! With the grape my fading life provide
And wash my body whence the life has died,
And lay me, shrouded in the living leaf
By some not unfrequented garden-side,
That ev’n my buried ashes such a snare
Of vintage shall fling up into the air;
As not a true believer passing by
But shall be overtaken unaware……Omar Khayyam.

Through swirling waters deep and fast, toward the birth of day,
Through fleeting shadows of the past my spirit fled away
Ever inward I was borne upon the streams of time
Receding back toward the dawn, in the hope somewhere I’d find
Somewhere in my distant past my old friend's hallowed grave
And there I stopped and sat at last, beneath the perfumed shade
Where we talked of this and talked of that and shared our time spanned love
And I drank with him the living wine, ‘neath the waning moon above.
There we listened to the nightingale as she sang her age old song
Of summers bright and winters pale, of Sultans long since gone.
And we watered with our tears of love, the blossoms o’er his grave
Then onward through the mists above, rose another who was saved.
One more has been awoken, one more now lives again
One more has joined the gathering; one more came through the flame,
One more now joins our singing as we hurtle back through time
To introduce “Who We Will Be,” to HE from who we came.
Now death, where is your victory, now death, where is your sting,
Rejoice you sons of glory, to “Who You Were,” and “Will be,” sing…... The Anointed.

Who would dare to descend to the garden of Omar and bring him up?

In the introduction to Fitzgerald’s translation of Omar’s work. It is written that Omar Khayyam died in the year of 1123 AD, and yet in the Glossary of the self-same book, it is said that he died in 1132 AD. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, there is some debate as to whether he died in the year 1123, or 1132. It seems strange that the controversy should be between these two dates, because from, (The Perfect Way, P. 247) we read, “As the number of the lunar months, ‘thirteen,’ is the number of the woman and denotes the soul and her reflection of God---The solar number ‘Twelve,’ being that of the spirit.

The two numbers in combination form the perfect year of that duel humanity, which above, is made in the image of God—the true “Christian Year,” wherein the two—the inner and outer, Spirit and Matter—are as one. Thirteen then represents that full union of man with God wherein Christ becomes Christ.

Thirteen, represents the physical person, who reflects perfectly the spiritual being within, (The Father and the Son are one) and is represented as the solar number 12 in combination within the thirteen, as shown here, [1(12)3].

But the true “Christian year” should be where the physical being is translated to a spiritual being, which would be represented by the number combination [1(13)2], the physical number 13, within the spiritual number 12, the old tabernacle=tent, (The body of Man) stored within the inner most sanctuary of the new and glorious Temple of light. A good translation, loses none of the essence of the original from which it is translated.

Omar was, among other professions, an Alchemist. The search for the Philosopher’s stone was driven, not by the desire to gain great wealth by turning base metals into gold, but the desire to gain eternal life, and wholly transmute the imperfect self into spiritual gold.”

The philosophers stone will be a crystal of the same shape as the molecule from which it is formed, Zechariah 3: the prophet speaks of his vision of the high priest Joshua=Jesus, who is stripped of his old filthy garment and given a new clean turban etc, and a Stone/crystal with seven facets is placed before Joshua with his new clean outer garment.

Is it possible do you suppose to form a molecule from atoms of matter and atoms of anti-matter, which can be held in equilibrium, a state in which they cannot annihilate each other? And would such a body be able to pass in and out of both dimensions? Does evolution cease with the creation of the three-dimensional body of mankind?

Can the doorway between the two dimensions be opened to allow the required number of Jews and Gentiles to enter and depart at will.

To Old Khayyam, the Tent Maker.

When we were young I merged with thee, the blood of youth still flowing free
The bread, the wine, the poetry, beneath the old forbidden tree.
How sweet the fruit that we have shared, across the gulf of time we dared
To stand before each other bared and free of guilt, embraced and paired.

Our love beyond earth’s great desire, a love that burns more fierce than fire
I lay me down on broken briar, your son upon the funeral pyre.
Like rings of onions you have peeled the mysteries that the atom sealed
God’s heavenly tablets once concealed, to me, through you, the Lord revealed.

May he in me, with love’s desires, wash your body ere it dies
With fragrance sweet that ne’er expires to snare the righteous passer-byes
The spark of life leaps ever higher, spiraling up from fire to fire
To he, with who we did conspire to grasp this scheme of things entire.

The crystal there beside your seat, the written formula incomplete
My brothers now lay at your feet their offerings that you might eat.
Awake my Lord, for now’s the time to offer to the world your wine
Reveal on every written line, your secrets through these words of mine.
May you, when for your morning sup of heavenly vintage from the soil look up
Through wine that drips down, drop by drop, know He, who holds the inverted cup. . . . The Anointed.
Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2022 10:20 am
Jesus, walking down the street,
Jesus, everyone you meet,
Says "Jesus," cha cha chaddilycha.

Jesus, he's riding a giraffe,
Jesus, he's having a laugh,
It's Jesus, cha cha chaddilycha.

Jesus, he found 50p
Jesus, he's having a cup of tea.
It's Jesus, cha cha chaddilycha.

I'm thinking of sending it to Songs of Praise.
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The Anointed
Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2022 03:07 pm
@The Anointed,
I ain’t never got a penny, I’m always broke I must confess
And the few things that I’m forced to own If I lose em then I guess
I’ve lived without em once before, can live without em once agen
The only things I really needs is me solitude, me pad and pen.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not some mug what thinks that he can write
But anytime I calls me own, doesn’t matter, day or night
You’ll find me at me table, sittin here with pen in hand
Scribbling out some flaming rubbish and tryin to understand
How a man can sit here writtin words, and even without tryin
Jot down me thoughts then read em, and find all the lines is rhyming.

For instance, Just an hour ago, I’s sittin here and pondering
When from the north, then from the south, there comes this distant rumbling
And then me mind goes sorta blank and something moves me arm
And I thinks .... now should I try and stop it? “Nah it never does no harm.
And words appear as I sit and write, not taking no great notice
Then I reads what’s written here below when me mind comes back in focus.

“To the north of us and to the south, the thunders peeled and the lightening flashed
While up above the sky was clear, not a single cloud hung in the air
The night was still, not a breath of breeze and starlight flickered through the trees
While all around, the wild storm surged, and what did you do? You got the urge
To sit and write this useless poem, when you should prepare for the coming storm.
So when you see the damage done by your apathy and stupor
You might just learn a thing or two that will help you in the future.”

Well, it gets me mind a thinkin hey? I’m not one who turns his back
On a lesson from me teacher, Nah, me past has taught me that
And I thinks… well yea, there’s many folk, what live in many lands
Where conflicts rage around em, and it’s getting out of hand.
And they builds emselves an island, You know? A little dome of peace
Where they think the storm won’t hit em, like fools, they think they’re safe

But the storm clouds gather closer, then the lightening and the fire
Invade their dome of safety and they’ve got nowhere else to hide
So I makes meself a mental note and thanks the spirit deep within
For his insight and his knowledge and for sharein his wisdom
And I now make preparation for the great storm soon to come
Oh, I know we can’t avoid it, but we’ll come through it, me and mum

You can keep your gold and silver, and all the diamonds in this land
Cos there comes a time in every life, and I don’t give a damn
How much gold or wealth you got, or what position that you’ve gained
They’ll be useless in that time of Stress, better if you’d filled your brain
With the wisdom of the ages, the most precious thing of all
Cos He’s the one what saves you mate, while all around ya, thousands fall. ......The Anointed.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2022 10:29 pm
"And what have YOU made?"
smirked the mighty God of Man.
"I made you" said Man.
The Anointed
Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2022 11:41 pm
"And what have YOU made?"
smirked the mighty God of Man.
"I made you" said Man

God is perfect
Man is not
Man made piss
But God made pot.
The Anointed
Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2022 11:44 pm
@The Anointed,
Elijah, who was carried up to stand by Enoch’s side
Stood by the brook at Kishon where the priests of Baal all died
It was He, who gave the order and the waters all ran red
As fifty and eight hundred more, false prophets all fell dead.
Will you fight the war ‘gainst ignorance, the war that will be won
By those who wield the S-word of God, the sharp two edge-ed tongue…. The Anointed.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Dec, 2022 06:56 pm
@The Anointed,
God is perfect
Man is not
Man made piss
But God made pot.

One might think
He'd give it more thought,
Cuz look at all
the trouble it's brought.

We were born
to gotta go pee,
But babies
don't smoke THC.

In Eden, apples were appointed.
But pot?
Permis-s-s-s-sion granted...
by "The Anointed"!
The Anointed
Reply Fri 23 Dec, 2022 05:40 pm
She was the first of all creation
With her, God made the world
He named the woman "wisdom,"
And in her arms I now am furled.

She sings her songs of mystery
With words that tease the mind,
Suggestive of some ecstasy
Erotic, yet divine.

She fiddles on my heart strings
And with her magic bow,
Sweet tunes contrived in heaven
From my heart and mind now flow.

The loquacious liquid from her lips,
Expands my feeble mind,
With each and every precious kiss
I reel as if from wine

And babble incoherent words
Unable to express,
The wonders I envision
When our lips are tightly pressed..... The Anointed.
The Anointed
Reply Fri 23 Dec, 2022 06:29 pm
@The Anointed,
God made toads for a purpose
Not to be licked by the fool
And God made Marijuana
As a great medicinal tool.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Dec, 2022 05:13 am
One might think a poet with his god so besotted,
Would hardly need such an escape as to get daily potted.

Some god made marijuana, magic mushrooms too.
And cyanide, and arsenic, and other poisons too.

A loving god, would he do that, creator of us all?
Would he make cancer, plague, disease, cause innocents to fall?

"Just so they can't blame me", he said, "I'll settle the affair.
I'll leave a book for them to read while I go play elsewhere."

And so we squabble, lick our toads, and smoke our pot, and piss.
But some of us look up and ask "Hey Dad -- where's Mom in all of this...?"

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