I was going to offer you a contract on Sly, Gus. But, on second thought, nahh, I'd be glad to do that pro bono. (But I'd pay you for doing in Coulter, Eva.)
Screw the revolution. I want to shoot sombody right now.
Merry Andrew wrote:I was going to offer you a contract on Sly, Gus. But, on second thought, nahh, I'd be glad to do that pro bono. (But I'd pay you for doing in Coulter, Eva.)
Don't wanna get within shooting distance of her, Merry Andy? Come to think of it, I'd rather not myself. A contract does sound like a better idea.
That annoying guy on CNN who does the 'funny' news reports and ridiculously overenunciates everything making these hyper-animated faces. Like we're going back to the age of silent film and they need to put on extra grime to tell us "this is to LAUGH this is funny, see the face I'm making to get the idea across to you" or "this is to WEEP, see I'm sad"
Eva wrote:Six pages and nobody has said...
Ann Coulter
But of course, she should be shot first!
Nah, we don't want to kill him. Let's just lock him in a room with Ann Coulter.
Nah, don't lock him in a room with Ann Coulter.
Let's toss him in with kickycan.
Lock Kicky in a room with Ron Jeremy, Gus? That would be amusing, no doubt! But honestly, I don't think Kicky's been THAT bad. He's just gross and obnoxious sometimes, that's all.
<gross and obnoxious...thinking...> Hey! I've got it!
How about we lock Kicky in a room with a skunk? I have one somewhere around here, if I can just find it and get it into this trash bag....
Dog the Bounty Hunter and his ridiculous family.
(They're too ugly to live.)
morning rock radio djs
all reality TV participants
people who give more than 100%
rappers who thank god for every award they win
Alan Colmes of Fox 'News'
Hannity and Colmes both need to be phased out.
Why would D'artagnan want to shoot such a wholesome family?
Gargamel wrote:Hannity and Colmes both need to be phased out.
(and could we take out Rush "Lunkhead" Limbaugh too? He is just a disgrace to the Conservative cause, whatever that may be.)
I say shoot 'em all. Let God sort 'em out later.
Personally I'm not into killing off folk, but I'm certainly in favour of revenge!
I'd like every CEO who received a whopping great payout for "restructuring the company to make it more globally competitive" to have to pay it all back! ... Then to work for the rest of his/her life on the shitty wages & conditions they imposed on ordinary workers.
That's a start!