You do realize, I'm sure (well almost sure as I am never entirely sure, even when I am completeredly and utterly kind of sure) that removal of argyle socks will force you to the end of the line. Removal of wool socks, sends you 400 spaces back, removal of synthetic material socks will send you off line entirely and into the next county. Removal of all other socks will send you back 200 spaces for each 100 spaces forward you go.
Not to mention, some will be enamored of the smell/aroma filling the air when you tug off your socks. They will swoon and faint, causing a need for medical attention, and the medic tent is way up there...by the front of the line.
Never mind, I see it's about to rain, and those are heavy water clouds so I won't be alerting the sock police just now.
Hmm...I see an opening up there, I'll go and get it, because it's near my new best friend (although they don't yet know how close we are)