I thought we were in line for the free water bottles...
< shuffles and looks sideways at the man reading the Human Interest section of the local paper >
Psst, Intrepid...ask that man if I can borrow the comics section, wouldja?
He won't give it up. Should I put the muscle on him, Eva?
There better be lots of chocolate at the end of this line if we're waiting this long
Why is there a line here?
Is it a private line? or a party line?
can anyone join? Ok where are the application forms?
Intrepid wrote:He won't give it up. Should I put the muscle on him, Eva?
<snatches Human Interest man's place in line while Intrepid is distracting him>
*dadpad, instead of facing the same direction as all th other peole in the line turns aroud and faces the other way.*
Maverick is my middle name
Not falling for that old gag
[size=7]<sure it works if you click the disable HTML box at the bottom>[/size]
Intrepid considers selling hotdogs in the line.
I wait in this damned line for fourteen months--and what do i get? A cold grilled cheese sammich . . . sheesh . . . i blame Kicky . . .
I think the deal is that if you get to the front of the line, Bill Gates gives you a check for $450.00 for every time you post.
that's gonna be so cool.
I heard that Coca-Cola is offering four free cases of diet coke or regular coke to every person you tell this to in line.
<stepping over Human Interest man>
Thanks for getting the comics for me, Intrepid.
Say, if you're thinking of hot dogs, we're gonna need chili. Chili always sounds good when the weather is cool, like today. Who here can make decent chili?
You know that kid who was handing out Ghirardelli samples in Bryant Park? [size=7](Setanta can vouch how fantabulous they are.)[/size]
I think I see him over >>>> there ...
<slides up in line following stampede to the >>>> >
Apparently, "the Line" is all about resurrection . . .
Ah, good. I thought it might be about insurrection.
Eva wrote:Absolutely!
<snatches Human Interest man's place in line while Intrepid is distracting him>
Fine! I'll remember that!