Honestly, Barry... I think you should move out. You don't sound happy and you can't afford to live there. Go find a room somewhere. Or get another job that pays more, or a second job. Your wife is not going to budge. I have no idea why she doesn't see you as a completely different person that her first husband, but it seems that's the case. BTW, adding more money to the joint account is not surrendering control of her income.
You two don't make a great couple. She's extremely needy and you seem cold and distant with her. Why can't you see that?
I think that if you do something that deserves a hug then you'll get a hug.
Barry2021 wrote:I think that if you do something that deserves a hug then you'll get a hug.
I wasn't aware a valid reason had to be given to get a "free" hug from a spouse. Usually, it's because you love someone.
I guess I learned something new today. Hugs are a commodity to be doled out as a reward for a specific behavior.
Go figure...
In 20 yrs of marriage, Barry, you've taught her how to be just as inflexible and hard to get along with as you are. You refuse to hear her, ignore her wants and needs and generally think she's wrong 100% of the time.
That's no way to live.
Case in point, she hates your church yet you insist on dragging her there every weekend. You express your displeasure that she won't talk or make friends with any of the members. News flash Barry, she doesn't like being there. Stop making her feel bad about it. It's pushy and dominate to think you can make that happen.
She will NEVER co-mingle funds. Why? Because you, again, want to dominate her spending. You keep saying "but she can cut back on nails or hair or coffee or Grub Hub"... Screw that, she works. She earns money. She spends it on how SHE wants to. She pays her half of the bills. Sorry if you're having a hard time, but she isn't.
Almost every scenario you post is you thinking you have a better way than she does. You will not consider for one second she has different wants/needs/desires than you. You've made sure if it's not YOUR way, it's wrong and you'll voice your displeasure about. A LOT of displeasure. The constant harping and griping is over the top.
You refuse to compromise, listen or change. Yet you expect her to.
The first step in solving a problem is recognizing your part in it. And that's just too much for you to acknowledge. Quit your bitching every day and start doing your own changes.
Hello Barry. I filled up reading your story of how you have been living.
We all of course only have one life and need to live it the best we can. Of course marriages as relationships have bumps along the way, but what you have been put through isn't living, it is existing.
I know as you say you love your wife, but accept it has been a one-sided relationship for a long time.
I feel it is time to say to your wife you both need a serious chat. And stress you cannot carry on living as you have for this long while, on eggshells too.
Maybe this would be the jolt that your wife needs to realise a marriage is for two people, not just the one to dictate how everything should go.
No, I don't drag her to my church. When me and my wife met she actually joined the church that I was born and raised in. I was there all my life until we both soured of it and we started looking for another church. We visited a number of churches until her mom, my mother in law, suggested we go to a church within their denomination. The religion my wife was raised in. We liked it so we joined. This was a church neither of us had been to. Yes, I became active whereas she didn't. That's not my fault. Yes, I do want here to make more friends and become active.
I don't want to dominate the spending. I just want us to come up with a better way of paying bills. 50/50 isn't working anymore. 1 household can't have 2 different budgets.
And yes, I have idea and suggestions that she is not willing to try, however, she's not given any either other than leave things the way they are.