so it seems iam being watched

Reply Fri 12 Aug, 2005 02:34 pm
Also, I agree with Chai Tea, this isn't just odd, and real violence can erupt anywhere.
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Reply Fri 12 Aug, 2005 02:34 pm
Really - wake up and smell the coffee, and start acting rationally about this.
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Reply Fri 12 Aug, 2005 03:20 pm
ossobuco wrote:
Fella (presuming it is a fella) doesn't seem all that bright a light.

Wonder if there are prints on the back doorknob.

Anyway, have you tried 3-in-1 oil or wd-40 in the lock?

Screw oil ... drive 40 miles to Walmart and get a new lock.
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Reply Fri 12 Aug, 2005 03:24 pm
That too, especially a dead bolt.

I thought it was just hard to get the key in...
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Reply Fri 12 Aug, 2005 06:39 pm
no, he went in to our glorious military.

It is odd to me because thats how i feel about it, i'll be worried when i see someone standing on my porch with my own two eyes. iam not home alone at night, and iam not alone without the dogs durring the day. and iam not defenseless, ive managed to escape other situations, theres phones and neighbors and clubs and knives all over our house on purpose. and like i said before, it must be paranoia about the bedroom deal, it very well could have been my husband. and it isnt unlikely that my father in law was in the house, he often is when we're not home, poking around doing things. we only rent one of his houses from him, we dont own it. i might have left my dresser drawers open and not realized it.

yes i do know that its usually someone you know that rapes you or tries to, i know that first hand. its just about always someone youre aquanted with that molests you too... funny how that works.

we're getting a new lock for the back door. my brother is going to start coming over durring the day, and in a few weeks my cousin is coming to visit. next month i should be back to work, so it should start to quiet down.

snow will be nice... we're not far from that.

i was talking with my neighbor today, we're starting to think its one of the local kids. they have quite an interest in whatever it is i do. that would explain why the voice wasnt deep on the phone, why there was no car in sight, and why my dogs didnt maul anyone while i was gone. I think iam starting to lean more in that direction.
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Reply Fri 12 Aug, 2005 07:29 pm
I have been thinking kid too. Older kid..
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Green Witch
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2005 04:08 am
Before you go in for the night sprinkle some flour or talcum powder on the porch. You will see foot prints in it the next day if someone walked there.
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Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2005 05:02 am
I know a woman, very near and dear to me, who, while staying for a brief time at her parents' house, was unknowingly observed for quite some time while she slept.

She was sleeping on the couch in the three season porch. One night she felt really creeped out, like someone was watching her. She looked up and saw a face in the window. She screamed, the face disappeared, and she heard the sounds of departing footsteps - rapidly departing footsteps - on the driveway.

Her dad raced in the room to see what had happened. Upon hearing her story he went outside to investigate. The ground outside the window was littered with cigarette butts and her name was carved into a nearby picnic table. The shavings were fresh, indicating, since it had rained the night before, that this guy had carved the stuff that night.

Turns out it was an ex-boyfriend who couldn't accept the fact that she had left him.

She was pretty rattled.
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Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2005 06:02 am
Given the circumstances, amplified by the fact that among the witnesses to this is a sworn peace officer, you have more than enough to get law enforcement actively interested in this.

The apparent lack-of-reaction by the dogs is odd - leads me to suspect it is someone they know.

Deer/game cameras, film or digital, are available at almost any outdoors sporting goods retailer, and can be had for under $100, though a really good digital game camera will run several times that. They're neat, though; I love mine.

I disagree with the pistol idea - to be used effectively, a handgun needs to go along with a fair bit of training and practice. A shotgun is a far more practical home-defense fire arm. I'd recommend a pump-action gun of intermediate gauge - a 16 or even as small as a 20 gauge, unchoked, with a waterfowl load (your gun dealer will know exactly what you're looking for, and help you size the piece properly for yourbuild and mass). Just the sound of a pump shotgun racking a shell into the chamber is unmistakeable, and itself has a powerful deterrent effect upon would-be evil-doers.

Oh, tico - the nearest Wal-Mart to me is over 45 minutes away. The nearest stoplight is about 25 miles away, and it isn't in the same county. My county only has one stop light, which it got a couple years ago. Mosta the time, that one just blinks yellow along the main thoroughfare (a state highway), red to the cross street.
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Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2005 07:34 am
Im also leaning toward the "fakeness" of this whole account. I cant believe that you and your husband are so incompetent as not to be able to come up with a plan to send an adequate message to someone like this.
I have an idea, its an Ithaca 12 guage pump shotgun. You really dont have to be the best shot, the gun does most of it.
If you take it outside and fire it in any direction, Im sure you will alert the cop across the street and then , in his official capacity, he will then have to react( unless of course, hes the stalker) .

You with baseball bat sounds less than ideal because youre already asking for advice on a chat line, that makes me think that you may be pulling our collective legs. HOWEVER, Say you have a bat, You have to be ready to use the bat first and hard, heres where, most people chicken out.Just get some old DVDs of THE SOPRANOS,Note how the protagonists always act first and consider events later.

your stories have a string of inconsistancies to be believable. However, if it is true, get the gun. Dont listen to the PC ****. The mere sound of you chambering a round in the breach will cause most people to urinate on themselves
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Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2005 07:43 am
so, if me and Timber agree on this shotgun thingy, It has to be a marvelous idea.
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Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2005 08:00 am
we did put flour on the steps night before last, but my jerk off father in law, who was at our house from 5:30 am thumping around for two hours until he finally started throwing rocks are the bed room window, walked through my little trap and then proceeded to walk all over the porch, leaving his tracks all over.

my husband rememered grabbing a pair of socks the night that we were out late, and he's pretty sure he left the bed room door open, sicne he never closes or puts anything away behind him. and yesterday his dad admitted to stopping over while we were out. God only knows WHAT he does here when we're gone.

last night and the night before that were pretty quiet after we went to bed, not a whole lot going on. I actually woke up around 1230 to pee and glanced out the windows, not a soul in sight.

my husbands getting pretty pissed off with the neighbors. the troopers wife and the trooper both said they saw something, and now the trooper denies it. she says she saw something and that he's refusing to admit he did because he doesnt want to make us nervous. if i hadnt heard something just at 1215 that night i'd be wondering if theyre even telling the truth. and what the heck makes a trooper negate his word?

who knows, maybe you doubters are right, maybe it is nothing. i'll be worried when i see someone standing there with my own to eyes.

as it is right now we have calls that the police are still trying to get permission to trace, a neighbor who says there really wasnt anyone standing on the porch, and a weird ass father in law who admits that he might have stopped over while we were gone.
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Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2005 08:06 am
Are you sure this shouldn't be in the humour forum?
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Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2005 10:32 am
i find it more humorous than scary... so maybe i should have put it there instead. although maybe im just f**ked up enough to find solace in talking in the relative safety of a bunch of strangers about my problems, instead of keeping them to myself and becoming scared and paranoid. I suppose it is kinda sad that the only human contact i have durring the day is names on a computer.

maybe i should learn to keep my mouth shut and keep it all in. i should have learned that when i confessed to meing molested by a relative and <i> I </i> ended up being blammed for it. because everyone knows the sex drive of a 12 year old can make anyone, esspecially your realitves horny.


i think iam going to go buy some beer and be messed up alone. see ya!
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Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2005 11:30 am
farmerman wrote:
Im also leaning toward the "fakeness" of this whole account. I cant believe that you and your husband are so incompetent as not to be able to come up with a plan to send an adequate message to someone like this.
I have an idea, its an Ithaca 12 guage pump shotgun. You really dont have to be the best shot, the gun does most of it.
If you take it outside and fire it in any direction, Im sure you will alert the cop across the street and then , in his official capacity, he will then have to react( unless of course, hes the stalker) .

You with baseball bat sounds less than ideal because youre already asking for advice on a chat line, that makes me think that you may be pulling our collective legs. HOWEVER, Say you have a bat, You have to be ready to use the bat first and hard, heres where, most people chicken out.Just get some old DVDs of THE SOPRANOS,Note how the protagonists always act first and consider events later.

your stories have a string of inconsistancies to be believable. However, if it is true, get the gun. Dont listen to the PC ****. The mere sound of you chambering a round in the breach will cause most people to urinate on themselves

I forgot about this until just now.

My first husband moved me all around the country in the less than 2 years we were married (6 moves in about 20 months)

When I finally told him to leave, we were living on 5 acres of land he owned, in a f*cking trailer, which he had purchased years before as a place to go to on the weekends).
It was isolated, we were halfway between Okeechobee and Yeehaw Junction.
The kind of place were parents locked their kid up in a cage with a racoon overnight as punishment (no kidding), and aimed their pickups at kittens playing in the dirt road.

He left, and I stayed about 2 months more, getting my emotions back together.

Word must have gotten out there was a lone female type person there (you got a purty mouth)
I hold no illusions as to the depravity of the human race. I kept a gun on me at all times when home.

Started hearing unusual sounds outside at night. Sounds I'd never heard before, and it's QUIET up there.
First and second nights just monitored the situation, knowing I'd have no problem using a weapon (I'm from Soprano country)
The 3rd night I'd had enough.
I stood outside the front door and shouted at the top of my lungs "ALL RIGHT YOU MOTHERF**KERS - I'M STANDING HERE WITH A GUN IN MY HAND. I KNOW YOU CAN SEE IT. NOW YOU'RE GONNA SEE THAT I'LL USE IT! I then shot 2 rounds into the trees (no shooting in the air for me)


Never heard another odd sound.

Breathe the Poison - people who are raped, or have been assaulted in any other way, are hyperalert - not ignoring signs of danger.

Since you last posts, I really don't believe you....you're making this all up.
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Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2005 12:17 pm
re the father-in-law/landlord; as long as you ave rentasl agreement in force, the terms of which are met, his unauthorized entry into the space you have rented constitutes unlawful entry. It may be his place, but its your space, if you're paying for it.

Gotta say I'm increasingly inclined to side with the doubters on this one, or at least to conclude you're paranoid. Of course, even paranoids can have real enemies - just 'cause you're crazy don't mean ain't nobody out ta getchya.
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Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2005 12:34 pm
f**k you. i could say so much, but f**k you pretty much sums it up. f**k you with familliar fingers, f**k you with your parents just down the hall calling you a liar. f**k your 12 year old head and send you off to a school full of people who mock you and make you miserable. f**k you 500 miles from the only home you ever knew.

and then after that, hold you down and say dirty things in your ear in the back room of the bar where you worked at 14, and make sure you understand he knows where you live.

and then after living paranoid, let your year long boyfriend threaten to rape you at 16, hold you down and do things to you. because you know its probably your fault anyway.

f**k you. people are such assholes.
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Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2005 01:05 pm
oh, well in that case, i believe every word you say.
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Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2005 05:20 pm
I think that youre getting near to the first draft of your story. How do you know that one of us isnt the stalker and is just playing you?
A2k is easy to find and join, and maybe one of the people on the boards is a neighbor who hacked into your cable connection. Now your being fed lies about being paranoid when, actually, one of us is the culprit and the others are just "in on it" . We are such a truly evil bunch. "Wolfman" above isnt him though, hes in Wisconsin along the edge of the Voyageurs trails. Hes actually an evil hermit who trains wolves to break into BMWs and rip out the sound systems.
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Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2005 05:24 pm
Call the police...

#1 You may not be the first

#2 The police will at least have a heads up...
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