material girl wrote:Why is it an absurd joke??
Ok Im not saying TDVC is the truth, but I dont think the Bible is either.
Why cant Walt Disney have been a mason?
I remember the book saying The little mermaid had red hair to represent Mary Magdelenes hair.
In the UK there is (for some stupid inexplicable reason)a hatred of red heads, like they are sub-human.Maybe it goes back thousands of years,they are degrading redheads just to degrade Mary MAgdelene( a member of royalty in TDVC), in the same way she is made into a prostitute in the Bible to degrade her and lower her status in the scheme of things.
Who said Disney wasn't a Mason? He probably was. So was J. Edgar Hoover, Ernest Borgnine, George Washington and a whole host of other famous people. Mozart. But slipping in that kind of remark about a children's movie is Brown's way of laying on the conspiracy theories thick as creamery butter. At one point he has the hero comment on the fact that a clue, written in iambic pantemeter, is significant because iambic pentameter consists of
five feet of rhyme. Wll, hell, it's also the most common verse form in English. There is no necessary significance whatsoever to the fact that the clue is so composed. And people still don't get it.
Material girl, whether or not there is any possible truth to Brown's plot device is totally immaterial. One doesn't read a thriller to get believable refutation of the bible, or of anything else. It's a story made up to entertain, not a treatise meant to convince people. The religious nuts who didn't see this and opposed the book from the start did themselves more harm than good. It brought everyone's attention to a rather mediocre -- if funny -- piece of pulp fiction.