Wed 20 Jul, 2022 11:40 am
I've been on and off with this woman for over a year now. Usually we break up for pretty significant periods 4-6 months at a time. We broke up in February this time and kind of entertained getting back together up until around the end of March. Neither of us have ever been married and we're both in our 30s, but we have had long-term relationships before.
Anyway, she's bad to block me on everything when we break up, then add me back at some point after I stop chasing her or after I stop perusing contact with her. At some point, I start to feel like I've made an idiot out of myself proving that I still care and at that point, she knows how I feel so walking away and letting her come to me when and if she's ready is the best solution. We've broken up a total of 4 times in the past. I admit that she's manic and that is often the reason for our splits.
Anyway, after being blocked on Facebook/Instagram/Phone, I had given up on her and haven't talked to her since late March. I made a Tiktok (she's on there a lot) and noticed her on my 4You page, but I ignored her content, haven't looked at her profile, and I haven't talked to her. Just out of curiosity (I admit I miss her a lot) I typed her name in the search to see if she had blocked me there and it showed her name with a red follow option, but it did not show how many videos or followers she had (it used to show that) under her name. I assumed she had blocked me since EVERYONE else I searched showed their followers and number of videos below their name. Well, about two days later I checked again and now it's showing how many videos she has and how many followers she has again.
Did she block me and then unblock me two days later? Now keep in mind no one elses page had that issue that morning but hers.
I just want to add I have not and don't plan to look at her page since it would show her that I visited her page. I would also add I have my link turned on and it hasn't shown that she's visited my page either?
All this game-playing is silly and immature. Either block her out of your life entirely, get her back in, or accept the way it is.
I appreciate the input. Do you mind answering my question though? I'm asking since I'm unfamiliar with tiktok and how blocking on there works and I'm asking for opinions on it.
Can't help you there as I'm not on any social media. Could you google your question? Or youtube might have something on it.
Maybe she deactivated her account for a few days then reactivated it.
We wouldn’t know.