Sat 6 Aug, 2005 12:02 pm
I heard this in the grocery store, it's terrible nowadays, every store you go in, they play all these old pop hits (and a weird mix it is, too!)...lots are familiar but I've heard this one a few times and don't know who it is, it sounds like Crosby Stills and Nash but I don't think it is, several times the lyric is repeated, "I can't remember the last time you looked into my eyes" ...
Anyone know who it is?
(I mean it's not exactly TERRIBLE but every old pop hit sounds "preachy" to me now, I feel like I'm in church...)
I don't know if this is it - it's similar
Swim - "Feeling High"
When's the last time you looked into my eyes?
When's the last time you took the time?
Its only one more night now
I'll be home soon and then I'll
I'll make it up to you once more
No that isn't it, but thanks so much for replying...the next time I hear it..and I'm sure I will again, these grocery stores you can count on them, lol, I will write down the lyrics and FIND OUT FOR SURE, it's a great song...but it had particular meaning for me.
Did you ever find this track? It is The Thorns - I Can't Remember