Fri 11 Mar, 2022 11:00 am
While is a word that is used as a noun, conjunction, adverb, verb and a preposition. When while is used as a noun, it stands for a period, however, the length of time is not finite. Because of this, it is advisable to use adjectives before this word.
1. Is the second sentence complete?
2."While" is not within inverted commas. It seems to be the modern trend but is it correct English?
The second sentence is a complete sentence. I would definitely punctuate 'while' as you suggest, as you are referring to a word which was just used in the previous sentence.
Thanks, hightor.
Does "however" fit the sentence correctly? Should there be a semi-colon before "however" instead of the comma?
Yes, I would use a semi-colon before "however", as both of those clauses could stand alone.