Mon 14 Feb, 2022 08:48 am
My brother in law can be a bit annoying at times. He has this thing where he'll send you a link to a religious video of some person preaching or something like that. It's not that I even asked for it. He'll just send it to me and 2 or 3 other people at random, thus creating a group text. And it seems that every time he does this he'll add different people so that now starts a new group text. Here's the thing. I have 6 other brothers and sisters and he never sends that stuff to them, or maybe he does and I don't know about it but I never see any of their names on the group text. Just a bunch of phone numbers who aren't saved in my phone. I have an android and sometimes one of the people's name will appear and even though I don't have them in my phone their name comes up. This morning there's a group text going around that he linked me to just to say Happy Valentine's Day. His sister is on it and an old guy from his old church is on it as well. I know because their names came up. Again, those aren't people I have saved in my phone. Would I be wrong to reply to the group text and say, "Please remove me from this text" or should I go back to the source, my brother-in-law, and ask him not to add me to any other "random" group texts. I mean sometimes I'll wake up and there will be a text from him with some random woman preaching and it'll be a group text with me and one other person. Other times he'll have 10 people on the text. It's like he just goes down his contact list and say, these people need some inspiration. What's the best way to approach this without coming across as mean or rude? Reply to the GC and ask to be removed or reply to the person themselves and ask not to be added to any other GC?
You had the right idea. Just ask him not to send you any more of those things.
That's what I would do, and the brother in law is the one being rude. Those group text are annoying.
It took several tries to get my father to stop including us in his dad jokes emails.
My cousins report the exact same thing.
One thing you may be able to do is show him (because this finally worked with Dad) how to create a group and then have him stick with that group only.
Mame wrote:
You had the right idea. Just ask him not to send you any more of those things.
It's like 99% of the stuff he sends are of a religious nature. I don't have a problem with it because I attend church and I'm very active in my church. But I do not wish to received inspirations memes or clips of someone preaching on the regular and at random. And then it's always a selective list a people he sends them to. It may be me and one other person this time but the next he'll add 10 people to the chain.
Agreed with others simply tell your brother not to include you on group texts. You could be diplomatic in it or direct you know your brother best ...but if you don't want this sort if stuff just tell him.
You know you can simply just block his number. Easy peasy. Problem fixed.