Sat 29 Jan, 2022 03:15 pm
Do you have any? One you really love or really hate?
We had...perhaps a one time years ago, but over the decades I pared them back and for five or ten years I didn't have a single one. Then I received one of those mixed planter thingys a couple of years ago, and have managed to keep most of the plants and some ivy alive, separating and repotting once.
The money tree was a complete pita. I detested the hateful thing. One of the stems rotted out, and the others kept dropping leaves. I took it to the deck in the summer as a last effort to save it but it got uglier and uglier. I was on the way to the compost with it when mrjoe objected. So I moved it around the house and plunked it where I couldn't see it from my usual spot. I called it bad names. I wanted it to die.
Damned if the poor thing didn't completely recover. It's been back inside since early December and so far so good.
I have some ...they are supposed to help with the quality of air in your house. I try for easy to care for ones ...succulents are great and they come in all sorts of cool looks.
I love them but always kill them off. Always too much or too little care.
Do you have a favourite? I think my most least hated favourite of the indoor succulents that I'm aware of, is a jade plant. When I had one before, those fat waxy leaves would dry up and fall off too regularly for my liking.
I have a 14 foot schleffera (umbrella) tree that is obscuring almost my entire front window. I guess it likes it there. On the other side of the window I am growing a 7 foot philodendron. I have a Christmas cactus and aloe, and several kinds of cactus I don't know the names of, an African violet, and Flamingo flower.
I have a spider plant I hate. It just won't die. Someone gave me a large poinsettia one year and I hate them, too, so it's down in Alex's living room (his nursery) along with his chili pepper plants. I should move the spider plant down there, ha ha.
I hate and can't keep alive a cyclamen and got one for a retirement gift. It didn't last long and died before it could go to the nursery (yay).
Oh, I hear you. Any in the house at this point?
Hahaha. Poor pathetic spider plant. I hated mine way back when too. And poinsettas. I don't mind a small one around Christmas but I have to treat it like I would cut flowers!
No. We had a miniature rose, but I planted it outside to keep it safe.
Anything that doesn't bloom this year (Christmas cactus, African violet) is going to the nursery. He's just going to have to make room
I wanted some height on the back deck last year so planted a palm in a big old crock we had kicking around, intending to keep it for just the season. It ended up so huge and healthy I brought it inside to see if I could get another year out of it. To my surprise it's doing really great, though it looked rather silly in the same room as our christmas tree.
It will eventually get too big to shuffle around without hiring movers I expect, so I'll try and pass it along to someone who wants a big palm next fall.
Yes that one us dying as we speak but I have others that are thriving .. Unfortunately I don't know the names but there are so many different types ... I usually ask at the garden store it costs a bit mire than at say home depot but they provide good advice
You could have decorated it, too
Joeblow wrote:
Hahaha. Poor pathetic spider plant. I hated mine way back when too. And poinsettas. I don't mind a small one around Christmas but I have to treat it like I would cut flowers!
I've got spider plants I don't mind them
Just wait. You'll see. 🤪
The neighbour has one. I don't want hers to die, so I guess it was just mine I hated.
I'm withholding water from it
Thirsting it to death. These plants rarely die, however.
I've never had a green thumb, plants always died on me. Plus Smokey the cat was always after them
I've never had a cat to worry about, but haven't always had the best luck anyway. I do ok with them for a few years, and then lose my oomph.
We did have a large ficcus benjamino (I think I spelled that right... I'm not gonna look) but the magic eventually wore off with that one too. Which is too bad because it was pretty! I think it's just that after many years, I grew to resent all the dusting
Only dj and our Mom got the green thumbs in the family. Our Mom would rescue dying plants from sale tables and they would thrive. I kill everything -- and of course we have a cat. DJ got me a "salad plant" two giant green spears in a tiny pot. The spears are actually the handles of salad forks (plastic) which nest in the pot. So far I have not managed to kill it.