Mon 27 Dec, 2021 09:31 am
I'm 22 and my girlfriend is 19. She's kind, smart and beautiful. I really love her, but there's a thing about her behavior that bothers me a lot. The only outfits she ever wears are shorts and extremely skimpy crop tops, so skimpy that one can be 100% that she has no bra underneath. And if you think she's not wearing those clothes now that it's winter, then you're plain wrong. In the entire time I knew her, which has been three years or so, there was never a single time when she wore sleeves or covered her midriff. Sometimes I feel like she's afraid that something bad will happen if she covers her midriff once in a while. And the problem is not her clothing itself z the problem is that wherever we go, most guys always stare at her belly button and made loud comments about it. I tried many times to convince her to wear something more modest, but she always replied that she will wear what she wants to and that it's only her business. How can I avoid having to break up with her?
She was like that before you wdnt out with her, nothing has changed.
The best approach to any relationship is to accept them as they are, people only change if they want to, and you've not said anything to indicate that might be the case.
Either shut up and put up with it or walk away.
Quote:Either shut up and put up with it or walk away.
Have you ever thought of becoming a counselor Izzy?
A sympathetic ear, a shoulder to cry on ....
Yep. Take her as she is or let her go.
Does this person sound distressed, in need of sympathy?
No but I do Izzy.
Where's your shoulder I need a good cry.
I never had your own as a West Ham supporter.
Slowdown wrote:
which has been three years or so, there was never a single time when she wore sleeves or covered her midriff. Sometimes I feel like she's afraid that something bad will happen if she covers her midriff once in a while. And the problem is not her clothing itself z the problem is that wherever we go, most guys always stare at her belly button and made loud comments about it. I tried many times to convince her to wear something more modest, but she always replied that she will wear what she wants to and that it's only her business. How can I avoid having to break up with her?
This is the third or fourth new member bringing up a male creep and a young woman's bare midriff. I'm going full-on conspiracy theory and that this ain't a coincidence. Either it's a group of trolls or some kind of social experiment/meme that's creeped up on to a2k.
For my sins I support Shelbourne FC.
To be fair Izzy I'd say most West Ham supporters are laughing not crying.
I looked it up and believe it or not there's a word for obsession of the belly button (navel).
Try saying that with a mouthful of Skittles.
I agree completely with Izzy on this one.
Quote:I agree completely with Izzy on this one.
Jesus Mary & Joseph, put a cross on the wall.
Not yesterday they weren't.
Speak roughly to your little Max,
And beat him when he agreeses.
He only does it to annoy,
Because he knows it teases.
I actually agree with Izzy quite a bit... and sometime just for fun (because it annoys him so much).
Although I agree with Izzy I will be much nicer about it.
I believe it is fine to discuss your thoughts on this with her...ONCE. And nicely ... Start out saying just what you have are kind smart and beautiful... It does bother me when you dress this way because I am an insecure idiot and having other guys stare and drool at you increases my insecurity.
And then when she answers you as she already have a choice stop dating her or allow her to be who she is.
So calling someone an insecure idiot is being nicer.
It may just be a fad. If she's beautiful, guys are going to stare no matter what she's wearing. I agree with the others - let her be and try and deal with it.
Ha ha ... He us calling himself a complete idiot. I'm just funning with you