It's funny what people get and assume. We have a programme called Pointless over here which is very popular.
It's like the inverse of Family Fortunes/ Feuds. A hundred people are asked a question but the object of the game is to find the most obscure correct answer. For example if the category is Beatles singles you don't want to say something well known like, I wanna hold your hand, because that would have a high score, you want to say Free as a bird which was a single released in 1995 cobbled together from old recordings.
The point is to get a low score, incorrect answers score 100.
It's open to UK and Ireland residents which means we get the occasional American on there. One time it was a picture round of historical figures including George Washington. There was an American answering and as he was the last person to answer in the round he could run through a.l the answers he knows. He decided not to go for Washington, choosing someone else instead, only to find that Washington would have been a much better answer, because the 100 people asked were British and not very many of us know what he looks like.