Sat 20 Nov, 2021 10:01 am
I stole this off a Unitarian Universalist post. It's proof that some religious people have a sense of humor.
If lawyers are disbarred, and clergymen defrocked, doesn't it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted....
You see where this is going, so try and come up with something else.
Can we demean cruel people?
Are dogs detailed?
Texan pet rehomers deranged.
I know left fielders who have been debased.
izzythepush wrote:
Fencers defenestrated.
Had to look it up. Funny!
Amtrak passengers detrained
I wasn't familiar with the term until I went to Prague.
I think I read of porn stars; after their magazine shoot they were deposed.
maxdancona wrote:
I think I read of porn stars; after their magazine shoot they were deposed.
I wonder how many Egyptians are in denial?
Released prisoners are disbarred.
A burnt out bulb is delighted.
People who clean your gutters (or fix your central a/c) are deducted.
Sacked hairdressers are distressed.
The fish that got away was debated.
Women who are expert at makeup are deplaned.
Students who leave before the end of a semester are determined.
Are newspaperman depressed?
Subtraction is nonplussed.