You're right. I'll keep them and put them on a shelf with a "break glass in case of emergency" label on them. The other night I was to hook up with the older one and she and I had been texting all day. She was at her sister's place and I've picked her up from there several times. I get to the house and text her I was outside. She kept saying she didn't see my truck. Not once did she ever walk outside because I would have seen her. I was right in front of the house where I normally pick her up from. After about 15 minutes of back and forth texts I left. Later she texts me to say that she didn't really want to be rushed. She wanted a good long session. Long sessions I don't mind but when you 're at your sister's visiting her it's not like you can just get missing for and hour or so then just walk back in the house like you just walked down the street to the gas station. You've gotta be ready to move when I say I'm outside, then we've gotta get busy and get you back before anyone is suspicious. Again, yeah, it's time to find someone more accessible.
And the other comment someone made about the younger one was that she was sneaking me into her mom's place. No, it's her place and her mom lives with her. But she doesn't want her mom to know she's hooking up with a guy old enough to be her father.
I've managed to forge great friendships with both of these girls in the past few years and yes, maybe they are getting tired of the arrangement we have and that's fine with me. But don't keep texting me asking what I'm doing and how my day is going if you can only link up on Sunday nights or you can only get out of the house for a 15 minute romp in the back parking lot. I may go a few weeks without hearing from the younger one then she'll hmu saying her phone was off. Ok, hmu before your phone goes off and we can link up and I'll help you pay it.