Verified proof of 2020 election fraud

Wed 14 Jul, 2021 10:13 pm
Tucker lays it out.

Biden is an illegitimate president, and the government is a corrupt criminal organization.

How can any leftist here watch this segment and continue to claim that the 2020 election was by any stretch of the imagination "fair and secure"?

How could you say something like that and live with yourself?

View best answer, chosen by FreedomEyeLove
Thu 15 Jul, 2021 06:46 am
"Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.'

She wrote: "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."

Vyskocil, an appointee of President Trump's, added, "Whether the Court frames Mr. Carlson's statements as 'exaggeration,' 'non-literal commentary,' or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same — the statements are not actionable."


How can YOU watch him and not laugh your ass off?

Thu 15 Jul, 2021 06:59 am
After repeatedly telling his audience how dangerous the vaccines are, Carlson's just trying deflect attention from the rise in covid cases among unvaccinated Fox listeners and Trump supporters.

Hey Tucker, did you get vaccinated?
Region Philbis
Thu 15 Jul, 2021 07:34 am

the OP obviously forgot to tag this thread as "Humor"...
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Thu 15 Jul, 2021 07:34 pm
And now Biden's administration is reading and censoring people's private facebook messages.

What country is this, China?

Thu 15 Jul, 2021 07:35 pm
The Carlson segment LITERALLY showed ballots that had been counted twice, as well as video footage of ballot workers scanning ballots multiple times for Biden.

Also hilarious that you think that NPR is anything other than state run propaganda Laughing

I want everyone reading this to take note of how mentally sick these leftists are. Even when you show them video evidence of something, they still refuse to acknowledge it. That is what mental illness looks like.
Fri 16 Jul, 2021 04:41 am
What country is this, China?

WTF? Read your own words..."President Biden"...that would indicate that country is the USA. Xi Jinping is the paramount leader of the Chinese Peoples Republic.

Doocy had a rough time juggling facts and lies at the end of that segment!
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jul, 2021 06:03 am
Not that's anything new but what's even more "hilarious" is you thinking Tucker & Fox News has "evidence" that wasn't presented in the SIXTY FOUR LOST COURT CASES, So, there's that.

Well, I contribute to my local NPR station for wonderful programs such as Here & Now, All Things Considered, and Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me, plus contributions from other college alumni that help fund these programs. I think you've never actually listened to NPR to know what you're talking about.

I have video evidence of Sylvester the Talking Cat, but **spoiler alert** the cat doesn't actually talk. Funny, but just not real. I know that because I am a learned human being. Try it sometime, maybe you'll surprise yourself and actually gain useful knowledge.

Sat 17 Jul, 2021 03:39 am
I want everyone reading this to take note.

The video segment that I posted showed poll workers scanning votes for Biden in the 2020 election multiple times in a row. That's not my "opinion", that's what actually happened in at LEAST Georgia.

I want everyone reading this to take note of how mentally sick the people are who claim that the 2020 election was "fair and secure". Even when confronted with VIDEO EVIDENCE to the contrary, these sick, evil losers will continue to spout the talking points of the criminal establishment. That's because they are weak, unintelligent NPCs (non playable characters) who do everything that TV tells them to.

These same people think that it's perfectly fine that the Biden administration is reading private messages of U.S. citizens on facebook! That the Biden administration is using government force to restrict free speech! That that's not in direct opposition to the constitution of the United States!

WOW! AZ Audit Finds 74,000 Ballots Returned and Counted in 2020 Election with NO RECORD of Being Sent Out!

Sat 17 Jul, 2021 04:07 am
The video segment that I posted showed poll workers scanning votes for Biden in the 2020 election multiple times in a row.

It showed no such thing.

Trump lost. Deal with it.
Sat 17 Jul, 2021 09:05 pm
It showed no such thing.

Take a good look at what leftist mental illness looks like. Absolutely refusing to accept factual proof that they're wrong.

Trump lost. Deal with it.

The election was rigged. Deal with that.
Sun 18 Jul, 2021 03:29 am

Take a good look at what leftist mental illness looks like.

You mean such as you showing up to post the same discredited conspiracy theories and accusing people of being mentally ill for seeing through such a transparent ruse? So now you self identify as a "leftist"?
Absolutely refusing to accept factual proof that they're wrong.

But nothing was proven. The "evidence" isn't what it's purported to be.
The election was rigged.

No it wasn't. The Democrats don't have that level of sophistication. If they were that clever why didn't they win more seats in Congress?
Deal with that.

I don't have to deal with anything, you communist. Biden's in the White House and Trump's headed to court and possibly jail. Deal with that, lefty.
Mon 19 Jul, 2021 03:24 am
Tucker Carlson's segment literally showed votes that had been counted for Biden multiple times.

Internet Explodes After Tucker Airs HARD EVIDENCE of Voter Fraud in Fulton County


I'm sorry that you're a low IQ NPC who doesn't understand objective reality.
Mon 19 Jul, 2021 03:56 am
Tucker Carlson's segment literally showed votes that had been counted for Biden multiple times.

No, it didn't show that at all.
Internet Explodes After Tucker Airs HARD EVIDENCE of Voter Fraud in Fulton County

No, the internet hasn't "exploded".
I'm sorry that you're a low IQ NPC who doesn't understand objective reality.

How thoughtful of you. I'm sorry that you're such a desperate commie that you have to show up here every day to post your pathetic lies and feeble insults.

Biden won, commie — that's objective reality.
Region Philbis
Mon 19 Jul, 2021 11:35 am

the first of many...

First US Capitol rioter convicted of a felony gets 8 months in prison
  Selected Answer
Mon 19 Jul, 2021 03:38 pm
@Region Philbis,
We really need to outlaw the Democratic Party.

And we should start seizing progressive property and using the proceeds to compensate the victims of progressivism.
Mon 19 Jul, 2021 04:17 pm
That's a really stupid and impractical idea that's going nowhere. Quit incessantly repeating it and salvage what little is left of your credibility — unless you want to end up like "FreedomEyeLove" (a particularly inept and clumsy moniker) and just function as a political punching bag for the general amusement of others.
Mon 19 Jul, 2021 04:26 pm
hightor wrote:
That's a really stupid and impractical idea that's going nowhere.

That's not up to you.

hightor wrote:
Quit incessantly repeating it


hightor wrote:
and salvage what little is left of your credibility -- unless you want to end up like "FreedomEyeLove" (particularly inept and clumsy moniker) and just function as a political punching bag for the general amusement of others.

Progressive contempt is irrelevant. Ultimately it says more about progressives that it does their opponents.
0 Replies
Tue 20 Jul, 2021 10:13 pm
@Region Philbis,
Yes, the Biden administration is persecuting it's enemies because of nothing other than their political beliefs. This is the kind of thing that you would normally only see in other countries.
0 Replies
Tue 20 Jul, 2021 10:16 pm
And we should start seizing progressive property and using the proceeds to compensate the victims of progressivism.

There wouldn't be enough property to compensate people Oralloy. The victim list is far too large. Plus communists are usually losers without much property. Except for the ones at the top like Pelosi who somehow became a multi millionaire on a government salary.

But I like this idea. We should also seize the multiple million dollar homes from the founder of black lives matter and redistribute them to working class families who's businesses and homes were burned down and destroyed during the St. George Floyd riots.
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