Re: Neurotic behaviors/habits
nimh wrote:kickycan wrote:So what is your neurotic habit of choice?
sunlover reminds me of another one -- when I was first learning ASL (15 years ago or whatever), I'd practice fingerspelling allllll the time. I'd just be walking along and would spell whatever I saw... "person, food, bookstore, dog," etc., etc. Occasionally it would be lyrics to songs, poems, etc. I wouldn't move my hand up to fingerspelling position, just keep it at my side or wherever it would normally be while walking, but would do the letters.
It was good practice, but got to be an unconscious habit. I still do it sometimes, and get weird looks for it on occasion. (Looks vaguely twitchy/ Tourette's-y out of context, I think.) The unconscious part is interesting, though... several times it's happened that I've been wanting to say something but am listening to what the other person is saying, and by the time they're finished I've forgotten what I was going to say, but then I look down at my hand and it's fingerspelling away, just have to read it and then "Oh!".