Christmas is mostly over. The Wise men are trekking across the land on their way to a stable to give a bunch of "gifts" to a baby. While thoughtful (in a way) one may well wonder what a baby is going to do with myrrh or gold. And how much gold? Is it even enough for a single ear lobe stud or enough to make a hundred candelabras?
Okay, got off track there...
Boxing Day. Any plans? Hitting the racetrack to acknowledge St.Stephen? Going on a fox hunt? Polishing off the remaining wassail which went unconsumed due to restrictions?
Preparing extra eggnog for New Year's Eve and Day?
Gonna organize the drawers in my way too small night stand. This is more likely to involve moving junk elsewhere, rather than actually discarding it. You?
No plans here.
In the old days, this was usually a great day to hang out at the bowling alley with friends. Then bowling venues began closing and people disbursed...
...and if stuff is going elsewhere, then it ain't junk. It's necessity!
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Sat 26 Dec, 2020 09:31 am
Tier 4 in Southampton, and Fox Hunting was banned by the last Labour Government.
I’m taking it easy, I did Christmas dinner for seven yesterday and managed to get most of the tidying up done last night. I’m watching the Kid playing the Witcher game on switch that he got for Christmas and following the Saints Fulham match online.