When we lived in Florida, we had a mango tree. The biggest one in the neighborhood. I loved mangos, but way too much to eat.
I would take trash bags full of them to work (a nursing home) and leave them in the employee break/lunch room. I made a lot of friends.
Every year, someone, usually a Cuban, would come by the house and offer us money if we would let him come into our yard to gather them. I guess they would sell them.
Not sure if I would have let them, but Kirk didn't want people coming in our yard.
Do you think people would help themselves to them if you kept a big bowl down by the sidewalk full of acorns, and a sign saying they were free for the taking?
I just looked on etsy, and this person sells 6 handpainted acorns for $22.
I don't know how many sets she's sold, but it says over 20 people have them in their cart right now.
Whoa! I just looked, and she must be selling them. She's got a lot of different styles in her shop.
Take a look.
Says she's been selling for 8 years, and made 1148 sales (of all her different products) and all 5 star reviews. She looks like she's got a tidy little thing going with found objects she prettied up.