You had your feet cut out, husker? How do you walk?
Poor Dys.
He comes on here looking for sympathy after a hard day slaving over a hot keyboard, and all he gets is jokes about his nuts, a discussion about littlek's ugly feet, dlowan's lack of standards, and Gus accuses him of being the antichrist.
Some days you just can't win.
Sorry, Dys. I wish you'd had a better day. But cheer up...tomorrow could be even funnier!
You guys are a riot! <ROTFLMAO>
What about MY day?
First the lunatics take over the asylum - then I just spent a nice few minutes paying $1,500 worth of bills out of a $1,200 pay cheque - and that was just to keep life ticking over - like, your basics - roof over head, phone, car reggo.......waaaaaah!
I can simply no longer afford to exist.
Of course, only in countries like ours are these necessarily "basics"....
Dys' nuts are disgusting?
How do YOU know?????!!!!!
0 -< B =
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum today...I truly WAS going to ask Dys how his day was. It must have been a blonde transmission of psychic energies or something. There was his post! He's a mind reader, I tell ya. A real miracle man! But we already knew that.
Oh and Gus? I think the spurs belong to the cowboy. :wink:
you're a tattlin' wabbit...
RP, you don't know where those've been!
littlek wrote:I want a stiff drink too!
I just want a stiff... never mind
so how are your average boobs today, l'k?
I happen to be very fond of average boobs.
My boobs are a little heavy today, in case you were wondering.
Don't you hate when that happens?