ehBeth wrote:dyslexia wrote:had a chat with my fav from Oz who stated "dys, your nuts"
was this some kind of live streaming video thing?
is it a regularly scheduled kinda thing?
is there a sign-up sheet?
Yahoo messenger, join us! PM me for info
This site is going downhill. I've seen conversations involving BiPolarBear's bowel movements, Littlek was talking about her bone spurs, and now Dys's nuts have worked their way into the conversational spotlight.
What happened to innocent questions about lawn mower repair?
Excuse me? My bone spurs?
Y does not seem to be getting you - according to your profile
Yeah, you still talkin' about 'em?
I have to say the deb talks to me because she has no standards, I assume other Ozites have stnadards, I also assume other a2k'ers have standards, Deb is the only person on my chat list. She is not to be trusted.
Does anyone have a suggestion as to what littlek can do with her bone spurs? They are quite unsightly and are causing the poor girl a considerable amount of discomfort.
Let's help her.
They are unsightly! Oh my..... I didn't realize.

I have just examined littlek's foot and I see no evidence of a bone spur. As a matter of fact, she has very attractive feet -- almost flawless.
dyslexia wrote:ehBeth wrote:dyslexia wrote:had a chat with my fav from Oz who stated "dys, your nuts"
was this some kind of live streaming video thing?
is it a regularly scheduled kinda thing?
is there a sign-up sheet?
Yahoo messenger, join us! PM me for info
I only talk to Dys cos he says "Yes, dear" a lot.
I find that very erotic......
Is that strange?
Heel spurs are cured by properly fitted orthotics.
I know - I had 'em.
Now they are gone.
I always used to like the way my feet looked. Then, while bored at a friend's wedding, me and several other bored single women talked the groom's teenaged brother to rate our feet. I lost.