I don't believe CalamityJane's story. It is clearly constructed as a White liberal morality tale... and it doesn't make any sense.
I can't imagine that Planned Parenthood would be complicit in shaming and "ruining the lives" of these girls. At least I hope not. The responsible thing to do is say according to CDC guidelines "we don't test for Herpes unless there are symptoms". The alleged monster in this myth loses his power and goes away, and the "girls" are spared a life of ignominy.
If you believe the CDC (and science in general) almost 50% of the people reading this carry the Herpes virus already without knowing about it. I would bet that none of you have actually been tested for Herpes. They rarely test people who don't have symptoms even if you have had STD screening.
If a girl came to Planned Parenthood, I would hope that she would receive good information and counseling on sexual help and responsibility. I am pretty sure they would tell her to use a condom.
I don't think they would tell a girl that her "life is ruined". Shaming girls for their sexuality is something that we should have gotten past by now.