What a beauty! I am downloading some pictures right now. It's a beautiful day here and the cats are outside having a blast. Will post some soon.
A few days ago, a friend of mine made this picture :
Momma Angel: bless your efforts in behalf of the kitties. I am owned by : 1 dog{Clyde}and 2 cats {Sam and Sally} Sally is a typically marked tuxedo cat,and Sam is a solid white cat,with one blue eye,and one green eye. With Sam,the inside of his ear "flap" is pink. I've found that with white cats,if their flaps are too pink to the point of being almost an irritated red,you should check for rashes,allergies,etc,just to be sure. Also,some white cats are sensitive to skin allergies.
Just a suggestion from another cat/dog fancier !!
Thanx linda! Yes, we are owned by our pets, aren't we? I have always said you don't train cats, they train you!
The cats with two different colored eyes just fascinate me! I havea white cat with yellow Siamese markins with blue eyes. His name is Frankie. A real beauty. Have never had problems with his skin thankfully.
Oh, this kitty looks like a tough one.....
What a cat!!! HUGE!
And quite beautiful!
... & is that you, Momma Angel?
No, that's not me. A friend sent this picture to me. I believe this woman is a friend of my friend.
I do have a friend who has three cats this size. The first time I saw them I asked her where she got the lions! For some reason, and no one has been able to tell me why yet, some cats can grow to be this big. I would love to have one this big!
I'd love one, too, but I'd have to buy a bigger house!
I believe that's a Maine Coon cat, right?
I've seen this pic before on the 'net.
I posted it about 2- pages ago
Here's the current "in" or status cat, the Bengal. I have to admit I'm fascinated by it, although I have yet to come across one.
the photo is a link to a breeder's site.
WoW! What a gorgeous cat! Ihave a small one here at the shelter that only has one eye. Her name is Pita, for Pain In The @@@. LOL.
What is your cat's name and how old? That is a gorgeous cat. So soft!
This is Haley. She's only been here a week and she took over the bed of choice!
Momma Angel: Haley gives new meaning to being called a "queen cat".

Gorgeous !!!
She's spoiled! They are all spoiled!