You really have a lot of trouble understanding what you read, don't you? So let's break it down for you...
This is what I said:
justaguy2 wrote:Who cares?
The above quote
directly implies that I don't give the ferry crack of a rat's ass what's happened to your mate. It also
directly implies that
nobody here knows what's happened to cause your mate to stop posting.
So since nobody here could know what's happened...
justaguy2 wrote:What do you expect anyone to tell you?
You still haven't answered that question, but anyways and moving on...
justaguy2 wrote:Clearly they haven't posted since Wed 26 Aug, 2020 08:54 pm, according to their user profile...but you could have just looked at the same page yourself.
Again, since nobody here could know what's happened; what else can anyone do here to find out? Thoughts?
justaguy2 wrote:All they do is spam this forum with their never-ending vile little threads, along with their bullshit posts in other people's threads. The best guess would be that they have been banned for continued misinformation and trolling. Personally I couldn't care less if they've been hit by a bus, in that case, the bus has done the world a favor. Good riddance to bad rubbish! And if they have been banned, thank you to the admins of A2K!
Notice what's in bold font there? Well, the first sentence in bold font
directly implies the most likely explanation is that they've been banned (and rightfully so), and only the admins of A2K can know what the answer to that is. Notice the beginning of the next sentence in bold font? That again
directly implies that I couldn't give a rat's ass, it also
directly implies that my guess is as good as anyone else's here -
since I have no way to know anymore than anyone else here. So
how exactly can "I take joy in someone's death"
when I don't know one way or the other whether they have died or not ? Please explain that one...
justaguy2 wrote:In any case, my thoughts about the vile poster in question mirror Teufel's comments...
The above quote should speak for itself, and I'm more than happy to stand by it too.
You seem to have assumed that either your mate has died and/or I'm of the belief they are dead. Again, how would anyone here including myself know one way or the other? Can you now see the flaws in your "logic" ?
You may think that you and maxdancona are different, but in actual fact, you are both complete and utter hypocrites and deserve each other. And if there is one kind of person I completely ignore in regards to any nonsense coming out their mouth(s), it's complete and utter hypocrites like your-moronic-self. So tell someone who cares, because I don't give a rat's ass what someone like you thinks about me (or anyone else for that matter).