Does it require a certain amount of information to be rendered automatically?
Is this the reason for the quantum/classical boundary?
Was the Big Bang coherent quantum information that later decohered into matter?
Inflation was the coherent spacetime expansion of the environment bounds of this reality.
Coherence is waves in phase. It is directly unobservable. It is superposition. Coherent quantum information is what can travel through a barrier during tunneling, mass is a variable.
Decohered is the observed, the physical, the local. Decoherence is secondary to Coherence.
A coherent pilot wave in infinite. Decoherence is intrinsically finite, it has defined position and momentum.
Coherent quantum information will be along the entire path instantly, but the coherent wave bulk still takes time to propagate. If you cause starlight to decohere, it will be a decohered wave packet as it leaves the star ..years ago.
My question is if quantum information remains coherent after decoherence. Is decoherence just reading the information and generating holographic atoms? I think multiple instances of decoherence causing fringes to return is telling us something.
Physical atoms and their information do not go past the event horizon of a black hole. Black Holes are unobservable, yes because light can't escape ..but what if it's because coherence is unobservable also?
Information paradox says quantum information can't be destroyed, but the decohered objects created from it can be. The hologram that decoherence created gets erased at the event horizon of a Black Hole. The quantum information is entropy.
A Black Hole being only a shell of quantum information hints at the starting conditions of the universe.
The neutral inside of a Black Hole should be what this place was before the Big Bang.
Did the Big Bang happen inside a preexisting Black Hole?
Was the bang, quantum information (entropy) being added to the Black Hole that utilized the Holographic Principle?
Does the holographic principle work with coherent, incoherent, or decoherent quantum information?
Could the surface area of a black hole contain instructions and variables for physics?
If a Black Hole is only quantum information, does it suggest that the physical objects falling in is turning off an illusion?
Does it do this because our parent Black Hole is responsible for decoherence?