Mon 10 Aug, 2020 12:54 pm
Jennifer wrote:
In anticipation of President Trump’s loss in November, there is a cottage industry of speculation about the fate of the post-Trump Republican Party. The New York Times’s David Brooks pines for a Republican Party without racism, anti-government animus or unbridled faith in free markets. (The technical term for that might be “the Democratic Party.”) [/size]
Great line.
And I agree. What David Brooks seems to be looking for is The Democratic Party.
Me...well, I am an Independent. But sometimes ya gotta boost the other guy.
I only partially agree with Brooks, Rubin and you.
It strikes me that the three of you (and likely millions more), are seeking a functional and functionality sound functioning government. Neither the Dems or Reps have been offering that for quite some time.
That aside, it would seem pretty much anything would be better than that cretin currently lost in the White House. Get it out of there and maybe both Houses will return to their sworn duties. (yes, I'm aware that some won't be 'returning ' as they've never been there to begin with. And then there's the power button hungry -McConnell, Schumer and Paul, who knows what is left in their cobweb filled skulls)