Tue 5 Jul, 2005 07:52 pm
It seems every book I ever look up on Amazon has been reviewed by Harriet Klausner. She is also billed as "#1 reviewer". Ten other people can give a book one or two stars - Harriet gives it at least a 4 and often a 5. Are authors paying her to pump up their "star power"? She seems to give a little synopsis of the plot (like she copied it off the back cover) and finishes off with a personal, but vague comment as to why she loved the book. Is she actually making money doing this? Is it just ego on her part? Just wondering.
According to
this article, Harriet Klausner is not paid for online reviews, but rather, they are "labors of love".
Thanks Levi. I think she needs a shrink. She seems to be looking for personal approval. She loves or a least really likes everything she reads, even the worst stuff. Not very helpful in my opinion.
HK is usually accurate about fantasy and science fiction.
Good question, Green Witch. I've envied the time that woman evidently has to read.
I can understand finding some time for fantasy, SF, romance and light novels, but she also reviews some fairly heavy tomes in the history and political departments.
I think I read that she has some inborn ability to speed read.
I going to see if I can find a book she hated.