shug23 wrote:
The problem is, I am not a Biblical scholar, so I really don't know what Heaven is,(nor does anyone else really). It's hard for me to believe any of our memories go with us to heaven, for example.. Otherwise, I am likely to kick your a** in the game of chess but remain clueless on how to fix you car engine. I don't think there is a physical place where people are walking around in Heaven, but probably should read more up on it
Well, you asked about praying for a sports team to win. So all you have to do is reflect on whether there are sports competitions in heaven, or rather what aspects of sports would or would not be possible in heaven. E.g. if someone has to win and someone has to lose, does that mean there can't be sports in heaven because there is no losing? Or does it mean there's a way to win and/or lose that is not negative in any way? If so, why would you pray for your team to win, if you are happy either way? Heaven is all about goodness without any bad. If something is bad, it's not in heaven (unless there's a way to experience it as good, as in the example of losing the game but nevertheless being happy with the situation).
In my mind, creation started and ended with the Big Bang
When exactly do you think the big bang ended?"
less than a second after it began, I gather is current scientific thinking
What changed after less than a second that caused it to end? And what began after that that was radically different in terms of creation than what happened before it?
Also, btw, why don't you use quote boxes? It's easier to read.
No, humans hardly cause anything to happen on the universe...Natural laws cause things to happen and I will accept that God created the natural laws
But you don't see God as continue the process of creation by manifesting things through natural laws/mechanics?
Without knowing what you mean by Christmas spirit, I would submit that Christmas spirit should be a daily occurrence. I think the celebration of Christmas as it is done today is pretty far removed from what it maybe should be
The point is whether humans would do the things they do for Christmas without the Christmas spirit. Don't you have to have Christmas spirit to have Christmas or else it's not really Christmas?
Again, not sure what you mean...A lightning strike kills a boy walking home from school.....just bad luck, wrong place and wrong time...nothing more than that
And yet the various forces of causation, including human agency/choice/will intersected with natural causation outside of human control to effectuate the situation. So there were both spirits and non-human actions involved in generating the situation as a whole and its outcome.
What you're calling 'bad luck, wrong place and wrong time, was a direct hit for the spirit of death, which required a lot of coordinated actions, including the boy deciding to walk home during a lightning storm, to walk in an area where the lightning would strike him and not a tree, the people who built the corridor in a way that would make pedestrians the tallest lightning rods in the otherwise-cleared area, etc. All-in-all it was not just the 'angel of lightning/death' attacking the boy, it was also all the human actions that set him him up, like in Jurassic Park when everything gets set up for the perfect storm where the people get eaten by the dinosaurs.
Quote:and yes, it is possible we are just biological systems, but I am not making that assertion. I think my assertion is God watches and doesn't act to violate his own laws that He set up because of prayer
Well, you could also say that we just watch what our mind and hands do and what our mouths say, and experience what our hearts feel, etc. God can perform miracles without ever violating the laws of causation, but we have the choice of whether to recognize them as miracles or chalk them off as lucky coincidences. Belief is a choice; if you don't believe, you don't see all the miracles that are going on all the time. You still reap the fruits of those miracles, and also the negative fruit of various curses; but you just don't see them as such because you've tuned your mind to a different kind of awareness.