This is from the follow-up email I sent, after I'd googled a bit more:
Found out a little more ... it just gets more interesting / hilarious!
Here's the serious bit, lifted from
a Wikipedia entry in what looks like, I dunno ... some kind of Swiss/Rhetoroman or something ...:
The guy helped bring down the Communist system in 1990. Then he became an academic and artist, who turned away in disappointment from Berisha's Democratic Party over its corruption. When in 1997 he was almost beaten to death by the security police - allegedly on orders of Berisha, then in power - he emigrated to Paris.
But a year later he came back and was appointed Minister of Culture by the new Socialist government. He had the first cinemas of Albania since 1990 opened. In 2000 he was elected mayor of Tirana (long a Democratic Party city) for the Socialists, with 57% of the vote. Shots were fired at his house shortly after that.
After his elections he created 100,000 square meter of greens in the city. Critics say he only improved the facade of things (literally) and has made the city look like a circus rather than a capital city. But he was re-elected in 2003 with 61%, and the hip-hop track "Tirona" is now like the popular city hymn.
Moreover, this year he was elected World Mayor after, apparently, a big campaign among Albanians worldwide! To the enthusiasm of some and bemusement of other nationalist Albanians on
this here webforum thread ;-)
this other thread, the same funny mix of enthusiasm and bemusement: OK, so he made the city clean and everything again, but really - those colours! "The capital should be like busness not like 1 big toy stor with live sized toy buildings". Is the guy gay or something?! Enter discussion about how he's not gay. And how the city does now not look gay ...
Until someone posts this picture:

This is too funny. But apparently Albania did move up from 92nd to 62nd in the UN's Human Development report ...