Covid-19 and Sweden. What is going on?

Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 2 May, 2020 09:12 am
Sweden's Deputy PM Isabella Lövin sayid already more than a week ago that fining people for not following coronavirus guidelines was in the government's "toolbox" - and so it was done. (Cousin avoided to pay the 500 SEK somehow)
Reply Sat 2 May, 2020 09:27 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Sweden is taking a dramatically different approach to dealing with Covid-19 compared to other countries. Schools are open, people are going to parks. You can sit down and eat dinner at a restaurant or get a haircut at a salon or buy yourself a new tie at a fancy clothing store.

Sure there are some guidelines (my understanding is they mostly involve nursing homes). But that doesn't change the point.

People were making wild predictions that any country that didn't have a complete lock down would face continued exponential growth. When Sweden bucked the trend and didn't put in place the strict measures that other European countries have, there were dire warnings that hospitals in Sweden would be overwhelmed and death rates would explode.

The reality is quite a bit more nuanced. The number of deaths are higher in Sweden, but not astronomically so. And the epidemic seems to have peaked with only minor restrictions imposed.

Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 2 May, 2020 10:12 am
maxdancona wrote:
The reality is quite a bit more nuanced. The number of deaths are higher in Sweden, but not astronomically so. And the epidemic seems to have peaked with only minor restrictions imposed.

Sweden tries to suppress the pandemic to a level the health system can cope with.
But the death rate has soared far above those of its more heavily locked down Nordic neighbours, standing at roughly triple that of Denmark and six times that of Norway and Finland.

I think (sourced by all what I read and have been told) "lagom" is the reason for the Swedish approach: the quintessentially Swedish concept of doing just enough to get what you need done, but not so much as to waste energy or cause problems. [Wikipedia: >Lagom<]
Reply Sat 2 May, 2020 11:20 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Sweden has successfully suppressed the pandemic to a level the health system can cope with. They have maintained excess capacity in ICU beds throughout the epidemic, and the number of cases is now declining day by day.

Yes, they have had more cases than Finland or Denmark or Norway. They have had fewer cases than UK, or France or the Netherlands. I suspect this has more to do with demographic factors. Sweden is near the middle of the pack for European countries.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 May, 2020 11:23 am
@Walter Hinteler,
This is more of a political argument than a factual one. You are starting with a conclusion and then searching for facts to support your stance, rather than using facts to inform a policy.

You have facts to support your position. I have no problem accepting them.Yes, deaths in Sweden are higher than neighboring countries. Yes, Sweden does have some restrictions and some public messaging.

But you are ignoring the facts on the other side. The predictions of doom based on Sweden's policy have failed to materialize. The problem is that this extreme lock down enforced by law policy has become a political stance.

Facts are facts, and Sweden is showing (so far) that its more relaxed policy is at least manageable.

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 21 May, 2020 09:20 am

Official findings add to concerns about Sweden’s laissez-faire strategy towards the pandemic: just 7.3% of Stockholm’s inhabitants had developed Covid-19 antibodies by the end of April, according to a study, raising concerns that the country’s light-touch approach to the coronavirus may not be building up broad immunity.

Study by Sweden’s public health agency

The Guardian: Just 7.3% of Stockholm had Covid-19 antibodies by end of April, study shows
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 29 May, 2020 10:52 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Norway and Denmark drop mutual border controls - but exclude Sweden
Norway and Denmark are to drop border controls between the two countries but have excluded their Scandinavian neighbour Sweden, which has taken a lighter-touch approach to the Covid-19 pandemic and suffered a far higher death toll.

The Danish prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, told a news conference in Copenhagen on Friday that restrictions on Norwegian nationals entering the country, as well as on citizens of Iceland and Germany, would be lifted from 15 June.
“Denmark and Sweden have a close relationship and that will continue in the future,” Frederiksen said. There was “a strong desire to find a solution with our neighbour, Sweden”, she added, but Denmark and Sweden “are in different places when it comes to the coronavirus, and this affects what we can decide on the border”.

Norway’s prime minister, Erna Solberg, said at a simultaneous Oslo event that Norway would admit only Danish citizens for now, but that her government was talking to Sweden, Finland and Iceland about including them at a later date.

Solberg said she had twice spoken to the Swedish prime minister, Stefan Löfven, but had entered a bilateral agreement with Denmark “because we have a similar infection situation … The infection situation looks different in Sweden”.

While her objective was “a common Nordic regulatory framework”, she said, “it is going to be hardest to find a solution for Sweden. But there are regions in Sweden with a low level of infection where we might be able to find a solution.”

The decision by Denmark and Norway to exclude Sweden from an early Nordic “travel bubble” is a blow to Stockholm. The Swedish foreign minister, Ann Linde, said this week that such a move would be “a political decision” and not justifiable on health grounds.

Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s chief epidemiologist and the main architect of the country’s coronavirus strategy, said dialogue between the Nordic neighbours was “continuous. We can certainly find good solutions to this.”

An MP from the Swedish border city of Malmö, Niels Paarup-Petersen, told the Local website he had “hoped that we wouldn’t be treated differently. The numbers are a bit different on a national level, but I’d hoped they’d look more at a regional level.”
Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2020 12:06 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Sweden launches probe into handling of pandemic
The Nordic country has decided to hasten a probe into its handling of the coronavirus crisis amid mounting pressure from both left and right parties. A significant number of fatalities were found in nursing homes.

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven announced on Monday that the country will launch an inquiry into its handling of the pandemic before the summer.

The decision comes amid rising criticisms from opposition parties on both Sweden's right and left.

Sweden's two biggest opposition parties – the conservative Moderate Party and the populist Sweden Democrats – urged on Friday for an independent commission to be in place before the summer to investigate the country's response to the outbreak.

Lofven had previously said a special commission would be appointed once the pandemic is over but he and his Social Democrats party – which rule in coalition with the Greens – have faced mounting pressure to take action sooner.

"We need to take an overall approach to see how it has worked at national, regional and local levels," Lofven told the Swedish daily Aftonbladet. "We will make a decision for a commission before the summer," he added.

High fatalities in nursing homes

Sweden has lost more than 4,000 people to the pandemic, with roughly half of them having been nursing home residents.

Testing in Sweden has also been significantly lower than in other Scandinavian countries – reaching only a third of the government's target of 100,000 tests per week.

Whe the mortality rate over the course of the coronavirus outbreak has been lower than in some countries which had stricter measurements to contain the virus, Sweden had the highest number of COVID-19 related deaths in Europe relative to the size of the population through parts of May.

The Nordic country has made global headlines for its more liberal approach to handling the coronavirus. Sweden has relied on voluntary measures based on hygiene and social distancing practices and kept most businesses, restaurants and schools open even during the peak of the pandemic.

The commission would also be likely to assess Sweden's economic response to the crisis.

mvb/rc (AFP, Reuters)
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 3 Jun, 2020 04:31 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Architect of Sweden's coronavirus strategy admits too many died
Sweden’s chief epidemiologist and the architect of its light-touch approach to the coronavirus has acknowledged that the country has had too many deaths from Covid-19 and should have done more to curb the spread of the virus.

Anders Tegnell, who has previously criticised other countries’ strict lockdowns as not sustainable in the long run, told Swedish Radio on Wednesday that there was “quite obviously a potential for improvement in what we have done” in Sweden.

Asked whether too many people in Sweden had died, he replied: “Yes, absolutely,” adding that the country would have to consider in the future whether there had been a way of preventing such a high toll.

"If we encountered the same disease, knowing what we know today, I think we would end up doing something in the middle between what Sweden did, and what the rest of the world did.
There's potential to improve upon what we have done in Sweden, of course. And it would be good to know exactly what should be closed down to better hinder the spread of the disease,"

Tegnell said.
sveriges radio/Radio Sweden
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 5 Jun, 2020 07:52 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Yesterday, the media climate became tougher in Sweden (reflecting the public opinion, IMHO), with Hugo Lagercrantz, emeritus professor at the Karolinska medical university, going as far as calling for Tegnell to be fired and replaced in an article in Expressen.
Det räcker nu – avsätt Tegnell och Hallengren

There is little sign that this will happen, with the political fallout for Sweden's government still limited (in comparison e.g. to the level of anger in the UK). And since the opposition parties also backed Tegnell's approach in March and April, it is difficult for them to now suddenly blame the government for also doing so.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2020 10:39 am
@Walter Hinteler,
A Fatal Error - Approval Wanes for Sweden's Lax Coronavirus Policies
Popular support for Sweden's lax response to the coronavirus is waning and the situation in the country's retirement homes is concerning. The architect of the Swedish approach, Anders Tegnell, is standing by his prescribed course.

Today, like every other day, nearly every question is directed at one man: Anders Tegnell, Sweden's state epidemiologist. There are three other people on stage alongside him for the press conference, but hardly anyone wants to hear from them.

Tegnell is a chiseled man of 64, casually dressed in a polo shirt and windbreaker. He is hugely popular in Sweden, with his likeness appearing on T-shirts and one fan even having his face tattooed on his arm. Tegnell has also become an international celebrity. He's considered the architect of Sweden's very special approach to the coronavirus pandemic.

At the press conference, Tegnell explains the latest figures. On Tuesday of this week, 48 new deaths were registered in the country and the number of patients in intensive care units suffering from COVID-19 is decreasing. Still, there have been far more newly infected people in the last few days relative to the recent past, but that's no cause for concern, Tegnell says. "The number of tests recently increased dramatically." Naturally, this would lead to more cases being discovered.

While the rest of the world has spent months discussing Sweden's approach to the pandemic, there has been little political debate about it in the country itself. That, though, is now changing, and the debate in Sweden is growing more heated. Was Stockholm right to respond to the pandemic with only a gentle, mostly voluntary lockdown? The country now has one of the highest death rates in the world. And economically, Sweden is still struggling.

This does not stop some people from seeing Sweden as a bastion of civil liberty and reason. Others, however, are frightened by how many people have died. They consider Sweden to be a dangerous coronavirus hotspot. Germany is one of several European countries that are not welcoming Swedish travelers this summer.

Ruled by Scientists
On Wednesday, the number of coronavirus-related deaths in Sweden topped 5,000, a total that is more than four times higher than the number of fatalities in Finland, Norway and Denmark combined.

Yet Anders Tegnell remains confident. He continues to believe in the Swedish approach and hopes that his country will be better protected come autumn, when a second wave of infections could hit other countries. The most recent study, however, showed that only 6.1 percent of Swedes have the necessary antibodies in their blood to combat the coronavirus. For Tegnell, it's not the best news.

It's unclear whether his strategy is aimed at achieving so-called herd immunity. Sometimes he talks about how it could be reached in a few months. At other times, he denies that that is the goal he is actively working toward. To achieve herd immunity, 70 percent of the population would have to be immune.

There is a certain irony in the fact that the Swedish approach is exalted, above all, by those in Germany who have been complaining that their country is ruled by virologists. Indeed, Sweden is the only country in Europe that has actually been governed by scientists in recent months.

Tegnell is only a department head at the Public Health Agency. Yet he has an unusually influential position. That's because according to Sweden's constitution, it's the experts within the administrative bodies who decide on fundamental issues. The government listens to them.

Tegnell is now, somewhat surprisingly, denying that it was he and his colleagues who came up with Sweden's current approach. In a short conversation with DER SPIEGEL, he says it is always the politicians who decide things in the end. "We follow the rules and advice they give us," he says.

But in Sweden, isn't it the other way around? "That's not true," Tegnell says. Really though? Sweden's official epidemiologist smiles. Certainly, he says, there is "a very strong relationship" between his authority and the government. It's been this way "for hundreds of years." But: "The final decision is always made by the government." And it may or may not implement experts' recommendations.

Failing the Elderly
What would Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven think about Tegnell's statements? For months, the Social Democrat has been repeating in speeches and interviews that he relies entirely on his scientists. "I listen to those who have the epidemiological expertise." He's just an "amateur epidemiologist" like any other Swede, the prime minister says.

If Tegnell means to place full responsibility on the government, it could be an indication of the pressure he's under. The high approval ratings of Sweden's approach to the coronavirus, after all, have begun to slip. In early June, Swedish TV reported that confidence in the Public Health Agency had fallen from 73 to 65 percent since April. Approval in the government fell even more sharply. Trust in Stockholm's crisis management dropped from 63 to 45 percent.

The opposition in Swedish parliament believes its time has come. For the last few months, all the parties have been observing the unwritten rule of maintaining a "truce" in times of crisis. But why? Ebba Busch, the leader of Sweden's Christian Democrats, says on the phone: "In the beginning, we said we would try to be as constructive as possible." It was their "strategic decision" to work with the government and voice criticism "only behind closed doors."

But there's no point in doing that anymore. "We have no control over the spread of the infection in the country," Busch says, a situation for which she blames the government. The closure of European borders for Swedish citizens is a "very serious situation," she says.

It's not that she has fundamental doubts about Sweden's approach to the pandemic. Keeping schools and public life largely open was the right thing to do, she believes. "But the prerequisite for doing so was protecting the elderly and those at risk." She believes the government has failed in that mission.

Busch then hits a sore spot: In Stockholm, the center of Sweden's battle with the virus, the situation in nursing homes spun out of control at times. Around half of Sweden's coronavirus fatalities were residents of institutions for the elderly.

"He Would Have Died"
Bengt Hildebrand, a general practitioner, is intimately familiar with the situation. His 78-year-old father has lived in a private nursing home in Stockholm ever since he had a stroke. "An institution with a good reputation," he says. On March 10, the home banned visitors. Hildebrand kept in touch with his father via Skype.

On May 1, his father was diagnosed with COVID-19, likely having been infected by a staff member. Hildebrand could hear over Skype that his father was breathing heavily. "He got worse and worse." He demanded that he be transferred to a hospital, but he was rebuffed. "They prescribed him morphine. He would have died quietly."

Only after days of effort did the doctor succeed in getting his father transferred to a geriatric clinic. There, the patient received infusions and oxygen, and after a week he was able to return to the nursing home. "He's still under strain from the disease," Hildebrand says, "but he's alive."

Does this mean Sweden had to limit its medical services for older patients? Hildebrand is familiar with the guidelines from his own practice. "Nursing home patients should be treated in the homes for as long as possible," he says. At the institution where his father lives, this guideline was misinterpreted "as a request not to transfer any old people to the hospital." It was the same in other homes.

Today, Hildebrand considers the Swedish approach a mistake. He was of a different opinion in the beginning. "Many people have made the wrong choices. And now we have a catastrophe."

Knee-Jerk Nationalism
For the political scientist Gina Gustavsson, that catastrophe has led to unexpected attacks. In March, she began criticizing the Swedish strategy on Facebook at a time when Britain was radically changing its approach. "I was overcome with an icy fear," Gustavsson says, "Sweden was left alone on a path that we had taken together until then."

The reactions to her posts were at times aggressive, she says. "Critics were called alarmists, prophets of doom." She herself was told "not to spread panic."

At some point, her political science background led her to realize something. "This was my area of specialization: national identity, patriotism. I recognized a pattern." Swedes are very proud of their national identity, almost as proud as Americans. "In calm and stable times, national pride can be a very good thing," says Gustavsson. Positive patriotism strengthens trust in state institutions and can even lead to greater acceptance of immigrants, she adds.

"But when there's a threat, it turns." The result can be "aggression against minorities and people with dissenting opinions." At first, she noticed this was happening, then she experienced it first-hand.

In August, Gustavsson is set to travel to Oxford for a research project, if coronavirus regulations permit, and she's looking forward to taking a break from Sweden. She was particularly affected by the accusation that she was stirring up hatred against Anders Tegnell. "That's so far from the truth," she says. His situation isn't easy, she says. "He was transformed into a larger figure than he is."

How does Anders Tegnell himself see his role as a Swedish folk hero? "For me as a civil servant, it's a pretty strange position to be in," he says. He says he's made out to seem more important than he is in reality.

On the other hand: "It's very good for our agency to have a high level of credibility." If his popularity helps, that's fine.
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