I had similar things happen when I was in school.
I figured out pretty damn quick, like after the first "I don't know. Can you?" that the teacher expected me ask correctly.
It's not at all hard to realize he was asking the student to properly say "May I"
I mean, usually people ask permission to go to the rest room long before they're going to piss themselves.
Did this student (piss himself)? Or did he eventually pull his brain out of his butt and understand what was being asked of him?
Oh how cruel the teacher was!
We all watch movies/read books where the hero is asked to accomplish herculean tasks, at risk of life and limb, that make no sense.
Yet, IRL an instructor can't even instruct his students.
Did this teacher really need to spoon feed the student by saying "Now Johnny. The reason I keep saying that is I'm trying to teach you how to use proper grammar, so that you don't look like a complete idiot when you go out in the world."
Apparantly this is just too much to ask for.
Jesus. We expect our dogs to wait 5 or 10 minutes when they indicate they need to go out, if the person needs to go put on clothes, or knows the dog is just playing. We're not being dickheads. The dog doesn't get why we don't just immediately take him out. But he figures it out.
But we can't expect our children as students to figure out something as rudimentary "I don't know. Can you?"
Frankly, that kid sounds like an idiot.