did express sympathy to her. In a PM. In other words,
before you posted this last post of yours in this thread.
As far as attacking people is concerned, you're rather good at that yourself. In fact, you're quite skilled at it. Certainly more than I am. It's the A2K norm.
I'm really not a part of A2K anymore. I hadn't posted at all since last summer. I was trying to wean myself off of it. Although I had resolved to stop posting here, I'd still come to the website out of curiosity to see who was saying what to whom. For example, I found the most recent "soap opera" type exchange between you and glitterbag to be quite entertaining. My mistake! I never should have come here at all.
This is your playground, not mine. Your sandbox, if you will. A sandbox that is a waste of time. A sandbox that never will have any sort of impact in the real world. So, go play with all your friends; and don't worry. I won't have any part of it. I regret I ever had a part of this "community." I got very little from it.
Oh, by the way, A2K has provided a sort of education for me. I've seen just how close-minded, intolerant, mindless, self-righteous and foolish most people on the political left are. I didn't feel this way as recently as two years ago! Unless Trump happens to blow it, I'm afraid you and your fellow ideologues here at A2K are going to be quite distressed by the election results in November. If the elections were held today, the political left in this country would receive a thrashing at the polls that would even amaze you.
So, go play in your sandbox. maxdancona. Have fun with your friends.