Thu 23 Jun, 2005 03:13 am
I work on a large number of projects mostly to do with helping children, I work on a voluntary basis, and my work consists of everything from fundraising to policy research, project management to Public relations.
I get a small (it is very small) amount of money each week from the governement, its a government pension because of a disability.Anyway due to these financial struggles my ability to put ALL my energy into this work is hindered.
So I wanted to ask the forum whether anyone here has ever approached someone to become there benefactor / sponsor, or whether there are any grants or awards avialbale for this type of thing or any disability related awards.
Sorry, cant really help.
I can only imagine if you approach a company they will ask for advertising in return, which seems like a fare enough trade.
Maybe try a big supermarket that has a kids clothes/toys section.
Good luck.
You would have to become a legal non-profit organization. You could then fund raise and apply for grants from various sources. People are going to want to see good bookkeeping and track records before they give money. It is a difficult and time consuming project. You might want to see if any local charity groups in your area would like to hire you to do fundraising for them and they would pay you a percentage of the profits. It would save you the trouble of starting your own organization and you could still work for social good.