Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2005 03:32 pm
People who have been following Kicky's work/life dilemma will be feeling for him at this moment in time.
We have all been at the crossroad at some time, and he is there at the moment, engine quietly ticking over, eyes scanning right, then left, then straight ahead, brain racing to interpret the information in order to make a decision, right hand doing a quick stocktake of how many testicles he has, just out of sheer habit.

Let's see if we can help him out in some way. Some can volunteer for the stocktaking, the others can either enter the poll, or make some good suggestions.

Personally, I think he is a City boy at heart, and should look for the type of career that he would enjoy working at. Even if it means re-training.

And he should find a good woman. Preferably a rich Cordon Bleu Cook, who is stunningly attractive, and double jointed.

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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,985 • Replies: 42
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Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2005 04:19 pm
I dunno.

Got to go mull this over.
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Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2005 09:15 pm
He should stay in his apartment and not do anything until he learns to blow himself. Only after he learns to do that will he find true happiness...
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Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2005 09:23 pm
There has gotta be a shorter route to happiness than that.
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Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2005 10:08 pm
kickycan wrote:
He should stay in his apartment and not do anything until he learns to blow himself. Only after he learns to do that will he find true happiness...

Kicky http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v37/heavens_just_a_kiss_away/hug.gif

Glad to see you back. Your wit and humor are sadly missed when you're gone.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2005 10:16 pm
kicky is the last person that needs advise on "how to live." I have enough faith in his "abilities" to overcome any difficulty that he may "face." Gooooo kicky!
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Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2005 11:07 pm
I tend to agree with CI, kicky, in that I don't think you appreciate youself. You are fast, witty, observant, well, I can't back it up with examples, but I have noticed your astuteness, which you charmingly gloss over.

On the other hand, I think you have difficulties with labelling, as well any sane person should. Still....
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Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 07:07 am
Kicky should stay in his apt, wank off until he is legally blind ( that will only take about 2 sessions ) then collect disability and live blindy ever after. ;-)
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Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 07:49 am
I think he should go on a road trip with Gus. After that experience - even working in the current h*ll hole will seem like a picnic in comparison.
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Lady J
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 08:37 am
I think he could do them all. Not all at once mind you, but definitely he could do them all. He has no limits. As I have mentioned before about kicky, he's got it all going on for him and there is nothing he cannot accomplish if he sets his mind to it. Smile Do what you love kicky and the money will follow. Or so they say....

Keep as much faith in yourself as we all have in you here. Smile
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Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 08:39 am
I finally picked go freelance in NY, but it was a tough decision, what with the option for taking a road trip with Gus being so appealing. I suppose one could do freelance graphics and learn real estate.. in a lot of places.
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Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 12:30 pm
Why anyone who has a foothold in Manhattan would leave it puzzles me.

<especially when that anyone raves about the marvels of New York to visitors - and raves so effectively>
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Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 12:36 pm
I think he should try freelancing. It's not reliable income, but he's got nobody to support but himself. Then during the down times, he could supplement his income by becoming a gigolo. I think he'd enjoy that.
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Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 02:18 pm
I think it's not just the job that has our kickster down in the dumps these days, am I right or am I right? Are you lonely kicky? Wondering what's missing from your life - a lovemate perhaps? Do you want to be married, buy a house, have a rug-rat or two? Maybe yes, maybe down the road, maybe not. On top of that your job has sucked badly for the last year and not only have you reached the edge, you are falling over it without a safety net. Me lad is depressed and unfortunately we can tell you how wonderful you are until the cows come home but you'll just pooh-pooh us because you are down on yourself and it's going to take a bit of time to climb back up and out of this pit.

You're our resident jokester and comic relief but you're also a real person with feelings and frustrations too. It's okay to be pissed off with everything right now and maybe a little scared about changing things and unsure about where to go and what to do. I have no doubt you will turn the corner (who can say when) and bump into the very thing that will change your life, or perhaps it will happen gradually and one day down the road you will wake up and find yourself happy or happier.

I would say that you are in a position where there is too much about where you're at, that you're unhappy with. Try not to get depressed about it. Make a small change - one thing. Then make another, then another, then another. Or take the bull by the horns and do something drastic. While we can all opine about what you should and shouldn't do, we are not you and don't know what's best for you but we do care about you and are interested to hear all your stories and tales, even the ones that are not so much fun - like being in the shits like you are right now.

Rock on Mr. KCan - someday we'll all get our acts together and what a boring crappy world it will be then!
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Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 02:26 pm
I think he should go hunting with Ted Nugent.
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Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 02:35 pm
I think he should move to Stoneham, crash in my family room,
and get a job tending bar at Gaetano's.

A coupla weeks of that and he'll be back in NYC blessing his luck.
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Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 02:35 pm
I'd be afraid Kicky would come back with an arrow in his arse.
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Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 02:36 pm
...a soccer cleat maybe...
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Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 02:45 pm
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Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2005 02:46 pm
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