Mr wolf and I did one about a month ago. We had to seel everything in a one bedroom apt owned by his grandmother for 20+ years. HOLY COW!
She clipped old recipes.. people..BOUGHT those clippings...
Some of the weirdest things sold and then some things didnt.
She had a mahogany china cabnet. About 75 years old. With no truck for our use in the near future, we put a 100$ tag on it...
NOONE touched it. Not even a single question about it.
Our signs were starting 5 blocks away at a major intersection and then some in the neighboorhood. We posted an online and newspaper add. We said we were starting at 6 am.. but like others have said, we had a LINE at 530!
Our biggest crowds were from 6-about 10.
Another rush of people after 'church hours' and that was it.
Most of the sales took place in the morning. I am not sure how well it would have done with out the advertising. If there was any suggetion I would give about a garage to advertise.
Oh yeah.. and be ready to haggle like you have never haggled before. I had people try to talk me down from .50$ !!!