Fri 10 Jun, 2005 09:16 am
I think it's great - better than Elephant, in fact. But it seems that both fans and critics are divided - some love it, and others hate it.
Haven't heard it yet.
Why do you think it's great?
I only listened to the whole thing once, but I have to say that I was disappointed. There are some great songs on there but there is some real crap, too.
It's great because... all of the songs on it are great. I'm not sure why they're great. I'll pick one at random (literally, with the 'random' button on my CD player), and tell you why it's great.
Aha, this'll be easy - My Doorbell is great because it shows how rhythmic Jack can be with his singing. It's a bit like classic R&B - very bluesy and very rhythmic. And it's so stripped down - the White Stripes have always been stripped down of course, but this is even more naked than usual. It proves that you can still rock without an electric guitar, and it proves that Meg doesn't need to be a fantastic drummer, as long as she can whack those symbols in time - it sounds great, she's still better than Ringo. Most obviously of all, this song is wonderfully catchy. So there...
To each his own, agrote. I agree with the doorbell song. I just was disappointed that there wasn't more guitaar. THAT's what I listen to the White Stripes to hear.
wow better than ringo you say thats a bit ridiculous no? but then again i dont get the white stripes at all i think they are a travesty to the music industry.
abe_froman wrote:wow better than ringo you say thats a bit ridiculous no? but then again i dont get the white stripes at all i think they are a travesty to the music industry.
Well, it's not difficult to be better than Ringo - he was crap. What don't you get about the White Stripes?
What are you talking about? Why does everybody always knock on Ringo? The Beatles aren't the Beatles without him.
Think of the drum fill on "A Day in the Life." Or the opening fill to "Lovely Rita."
He's underrated.
Gargamel wrote:The Beatles aren't the Beatles without him.
I agree with that, but really he wasn't all that talented. My point was that it's silly to complain abotu Meg White's drumming - as people often do - because all she's really there for is keeping time, and she does so perfectly well - better than Ringo did.
Yeah, I like Meg. I'm lukewarm about the White Stripes (love the first album though), but they really cook live. And I guess what I'd say for Ringo goes for Meg. She's part of the White Stripes sound.
Minimalism can be refreshing.
BTW, I'm only being a drum snob here because I play drums myself.
Listening to it right now on my computer. Liking it so far. I have really good speakers.
I could be biased; I really like Jack's voice.
Jack and Meg were cute in "Coffee and Cigarettes."
Agreed, Synonymph. I have to admit that the more I listen to this cd, the better I like it, but I still like their previous cds better.
Does anyone else ever get dem ol' instinct blues? I know I do.