Wed 8 Jun, 2005 04:48 pm
I don't plan to get a .edu site, but I am curious how one can get one because I just checked out a college that only has .org instead of .edu.
how come?
To qualify for a .edu domain name the school has to provide the registrar proof that they are an accredited post secondary educational facility. Somoe other schools have managed to sneak in and use the .edu TLD too but they aren't supposed to be able to.
If you found a college that isn't using it either they aren't accredited or they just didn't care enough to bother and went with the .org TLD.
well, that school is outside the US. I know that other schools outside US still have .edu at the end.
Accredit in what way?
"Accrediting" is done by some body within each country. It's the way that schools themselves ensure that their courses are legit and that the degrees they grant are actually worth something.
In most countries the accrediation also has some sort of governmental tie-in. For example, here in the US you can only get government grants or guaranteed loans for colleges that are acreditted.
so does that mean that particular school is not accredited by that country?
It might. It may mean that they didn't want to be bothered with proving that they were acreditted too though.