Mon 23 Sep, 2019 11:38 pm
September 24, 2019
To: Mr. Narendra Modi
Prime Minister of the Republic of India
and: the people of India
Dear Mr. Modi
Neither you nor your supporters have any part of Hinduism, a way of life characterized by tolerance, Love and compassion. You and your supporters are racist Nazi gangsters. You all must pay a heavy price for your degeneracy.
Remember your republic's motto:
"Satyameva jayate" (Sanskrit), which means "Truth alone triumphs". Nazism, fascism and racism and all the cursed who fall into it will be destroyed by God/Nature for transgressing the greatest Law, The Law of Love. Vicious ways of death will never triumph in the long term.
Though I know there is no hope for you, Mr. Modi, as you are completely corrupt, lost in sin and eternally damned by Nature (through God's servant, Satan and all his punishments for sin), I'll talk to you and your supporters as if you still did have some potential to be a Hindu, a child of God, of Brahma.
I do not wish you or anyone death and suffering, but such is and will be yours on your path, the way of death.
Mr. Modi, my role as a true Hindu, Christian, Muslim, etc. is to warn you of the times when your life and health will be facing the greatest adversity.
Take good care of yourself in every way from January 18 to March 31, 2020. You must not make any public appearances from February 1 to March 31, 2020, and be very careful with your diet; the cycle influence is adverse even if one does not go out at all.
For your whole country and all its people, the entire month of December 2019 is very adverse; it follows a disappointment on or just after November 18.
Mr. Modi, this cyclic advice is provided in the hope that you live the longest possible life in which you may pay the full price for your enormous sin, including that of leading your whole country into hell on earth.
This Truth is guarafuckinteed to triumph. If anyone has any connection with India's government or "security" officials, please see that this open letter is forwarded to them.
With Truth and Love,
So I take it this Modi person has done something that you are unhappy about.
What has he done that makes you so unhappy with him?
Hello oralloy,
I never allow rubbish to make me feel unhappy. Do I feel unhappy looking at a turd on the sidewalk? No. Turds are important in that they allow one to both identify and know them as turds, therefore allowing one to both realize what a non-turd is and protect oneself from stepping on a turd. Indifference to turds is best. Never deceiving oneself that a turd is a non-turd, or that a non-turd is a turd is an impossible challenge for the dead. Feeling unhappy about a turd's actions is as silly as feeling unhappy that one's baby unconsciously spit some peas in one's face. Turds will be turds. When the evil assume that their evildoing is fine, it is Nature's responsibility to put them in their place. Nature works through the Conscience, which reminds both the good and the evil of what they have done. No one can escape their Conscience, which is the most formidable judge and punishment there is.
Oralloy, Modi is the Prime Minister of India.
I suspected that, but I am curious about why Luxin is so unhappy with Modi.