Tue 27 Aug, 2019 09:55 pm
Blerwoggi flincerposinwawikki k' mincersnoshee wastumerviggin. Stwatch. Quinserder boccwingzun orxxenz.
Did you get hacked Edgar?
Snertchure n it snatechure.
You need a pair of quadrupled lemongrass goggles.
I see said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.
So you're saying he was in the playground on the see saw with Margery Daw while studying law...
I'll need to check with methanol Mike for better understanding.
I can't state it more plainly. Squerwidgeoplcghise.
Well that makes more sense.
Why didn't you just say that in the first place?
I thought the text to be self explanatory.
Bûm gall unwaith - hynny oedd, llefain pan ym ganed.
I can understand the propensity to mock threads such as this one. I've been known to participate in such condescending behavior in the past. Not appropriate here. The subject herein is an attempt to spread the communication from a lost culture, to make certain their place in history is not overlooked. The initial post I posted in the posts on this thread is a statement from the grave, a post of a long-forgotten post.
In the late 1960s, after reading a series of autobiographical books written by the late Lobsang Rampa, I recognized him for the brother in the soul he proved to be. I felt his spirit upon me, weighing my mind down with wisdom and history. I recognized that his Tibetan history was not related to my own as my ruminations began to focus on a lost continent. In my late at night studies, long after my wife had gone to sleep, I established communication, of a sort, with my ancestors from Atlantis. From the watery grave, they cried out to me to preserve their history. This thread is the restoration of the language they spoke.
edgarblythe wrote:
I can understand the propensity to mock threads such as this one. I've been known to participate in such condescending behavior in the past.
You should have started with this context and NOT assume that ANYONE would recognize anything you written in the OP. No. Literally just that.
No need for apologies. I think we have it sorted out now.
Snertch is, in fact, the proper name for Atalantis.