Quote:Quote: you are making me sad. You used to be far more reasonable
Ive been perfectly consistant in my views about my areas of scientific comptence. I disagree with all kinds of folks herein
and Ive changed my opinions biggly when some pieces of incontrovertable evidence are shown to exist.
Ive gon from an ag supporter of GMO to a person who is asking that waaay more research of "real time generational effects" be done before claiming victory.
Natures big job, as part of gaining reproductive success, is adaptation which takes the form of conferred immunity to all kinds of substances and changes in the environment. We see this ovr and over again where evolved immunity happens so quickly, the shorter the generational periods.
When entire industries are behind one spcific outcome, that outcome can easily be force fit into our technological menu because it can generate big profits. and like Charles Koch, damn the facts "even though I believe em".
I believe that religion and profit motives lead the "poor science" politics comes up a distant third , and a third place baed on the other top two.
Ive thought about this probably a lot longer than you, Im 68, and have actually been part of the "culture wars against science" here inpennsylvania. I can brush aside political beliefs because they are part of a spectrum (I always recall Setantas"s statement that "Evrybody is Conservative about certain things") Religion and profit motive are things that your opponent will argue despite what chemistry, bio, mechanics, and nuclear physics have evidenced to a 99.999% POV.